Sleepy snek

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Word count: 1250

"Well that was truly scrumptious!" Announced Aziraphale, finishing his last bite of dessert and leaning back in his chair happily.

They were on a date at a very romantic Italian restaurant with candles on the tables and soft lighting. It was the first time they'd been out in a few weeks as exams were coming up and they had both been incredibly busy trying to prepare their students. Crowley had been getting more and more stressed although he was trying not to show it.

However, Aziraphale knew him almost better than he knew himself and had noticed in the narrowing of his eyes to become much more snakelike, the constant fidgeting and the tossing and turning during the night when he was trying to sleep. Aziraphale was worried he was going to burn himself out and so he had insisted that he left his lesson planning and book marking to come out for the evening.

Crowley had protested at first, saying he had far too much to do but Aziraphale had insisted and Crowley found that he couldn't say no to those large, imploring eyes. Plus, he did miss spending proper quality time with his husband without having to worry about work and so, here they were.

Aziraphale had had the gnocchi with salmon and roasted vegetables and Crowley had spaghetti because he liked the texture and experience of slurping it down. They had had a wonderful bottle of wine between them and had moved on to dessert. Aziraphale had wanted the Devil's food chocolate cake and so Crowley had laughed and ordered the Angel's cake slice.

Crowley was a quick eater and so, as always, was finished way quicker than his partner. He would usually sit and watch him finish, taking great delight in watching his pleasure at the beautiful flavours and textures. But today, he was feeling incredibly sleepy and the dancing candle flame had a very hypnotic effect.

His yellow eyes (he had stopped wearing his sunglasses so much once they were married and Aziraphale had protested and was constantly telling him how beautiful and enchanting they were and when they had moved to this town, he had stopped wearing them completely. Noone really noticed actually as they just assumed it was a birth defect which is coincidentally what he had told everyone who asked) stared glassily at the gentle movement and his black pupils became wider and wider and rounded and rounded which was a good indicator of relaxed sleepiness. He had one hand one Aziraphale's knee and the angel was tracing soft patterns onto his skin which was adding to his dazy state. His eyelids gradually began to slide shut and he was now fast asleep.

"Did you enjoy that dear?" Asked Aziraphale, wiping his mouth delicately with a napkin. There was no response and he looked up in surprise. He smiled softly as he took in the peaceful face of his husband and his heart melted.

Crowley was slouched in his usual position and his chest was riding up and down steadily. He wore a gentle smile on his lips and his eyes were closed. Aziraphale squeezed his hand softly and used his other one to beckon a waitress over.

"Hello sir, was everything alright for you?" She asked, smiling cheerfully.
"Yes thank you my dear, it was scrummy. May I have the check now please? I think I ought to get this one home to bed." She followed his gaze and smiled as she saw the sleeping man.
"Yes of course sir, and if you don't mind me saying, you two make an adorable couple."
Aziraphale beamed at her, "Thank you, I think so too." She smiled at him again before disappearing to go and fetch the check.

She returned promptly and Aziraphale paid it, leaving a very generous tip in addition. Then he looked at Crowley and contemplated what he ought to do with him. He looked far too peaceful to move and besides, Aziraphale knew he hadn't been getting much sleep at the minute and this was the most relaxed hed seen him in quite a while. They did have to get home somehow though so often some quick consideration, he stood up, lent down and scooped Crowley up bridal style.

There was some small noises of confusion from him and Aziraphale held his breath, hoping he wouldn't wake up. He breathed it out in a sigh of relief as the demon buried his head into his chest, his breathing remaining relaxed and his eyes staying closed.

There were a few funny looks as he carried him out of the restaurant but most people awed or didn't look up. The cool night air was refreshing on his face as he stepped out onto the street. It was only a few moments before a taxi miraculously pulled up beside them and said, "Taxi for Mr Fell?".

Aziraphale nodded and managed to open the door to the back whilst holding Crowley. He carefully placed him down and attached his seatbelt, trying his best not to disturb him as he did so and then went round to the other door and gracefully climbed in, sliding along to the middle seat so he was next to Crowley.

Crowley opened his eyes slightly and blinked a few times.
"Where... whass happnin angel?" He murmured, still mostly asleep.
"Shhh my dear, we are going home." Crowley hummed and snuggled his head into his husband's shoulder, quickly drifting back to sleep.

The taxi driver smiled at them. "Aren't you fellas adorable?" Aziraphale blushed and smiled happily. "Right, where to?"
"34 Aberworth Gardens if you please."
The crabby spoke as he imputed some informationinto the satnav, "Absolutely, we'll be there in a giffy so you can get your..." he trailed off and looked at Aziraphale over his shoulder.
"Husband." Supplied Aziraphale.
"Husband home to bed." He finished, pulling out and driving through the quiet streets. The nice thing about living in a town was that there was a lot less traffic than in London and the drive home was very peaceful.

When they arrived in front of their yellow door overhung by jasmine, Aziraphale paid the driver and climbed out, moving round to the other side so that he could scoop up his husband.
"Have a lovely night." He called to the cabby.
"You too." He smiled back before driving off down the deserted street.

Aziraphale paused for a moment with Crowley in his arms, to look at all the windows that cast soft golden light into well kept gardens filled with beautiful smelling flowers. Their own garden was bursting with different types of blooms and other plants that Crowley had taken great care and delight in planting. Married life had definitely mellowed him and he didn't so much shout at the plants anymore but gently encourage them and they were all very happy and beautiful.

Aziraphale smiled happily, feeling very content and thankful for his lovely human life that he had the pleasure to share with the person he loved more than anything in the universe. He clicked quietly, deciding it would be impossible to locate his keys without dropping Crowley, and the door swung gently open.

He disappeared inside and the door closed behind him as he carefully carried Crowley up to bed and tucked him in, snapping quickly so that he was wearing his black silk nighty. He pulled on his own tartan pyjamas and climbed in too, snuggling up close to his husband and quickly falling into a warm, contented sleep.

An. I hope you enjoyed that, I thought it was a really cute idea and is pure fluff which makes me very happy:) Have a wonderful day and try to think of one thing that you like about yourself because you are wonderful and it is important that you remember that💛💛

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