Are they in Love? Part 2

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Welcome back to part two of Anethama and Newt being the fandom and Crowley and Aziraphale being totally obviously in love:)

Word count: 1800

*Modern day only this story is written in past tense so not actually modern day*

It was very difficult for Newt to not say something to Aziraphale and Crowley as they spent the whole evening sitting basically on top of each other and looking very much in love. Anethama and Newt shared many pointed glances that said "They absolutely are a couple"
"I know, just wait one more week though please."

It wasn't until halfway through the evening when they had all worked their way through at least 3 glasses of wine that there came a point at which it felt more than ok to bring it up. They were playing a rather rowdy game of charades together and it was Aziraphale's turn to act. He picked up his card and scrunched his nose up in annoyance. "There is no way any
you are going to get this. It's terribly difficult." He pouted in annoyance.
"Just do your best dear," Anathema encouraged.
"I bet I'll get it angel, I know you better than I know myself." Crowley smirked confidently.
Newt glanced sideways at Anethama and she tried to cover her smile, "You have gotten all of each others right so far. It's not exactly fair as you've had 6000 years if friendship," he looked pointedly at Anethama as he said this "so you can basically read each others minds! Theres hardly any point in us playing." He was smiling good humouredly as he said this and Anathema softly poked him with her elbow. "Behave." She mouthed, rolling her eyes.

"Yes but playing is much more fun!" Sang the angel, spinning around dramatically and almost falling on top of Crowley who quickly steadied him.
"Very true angel, now, are you going to perform this masterpiece that we will never guess or not?" Although his words were impatient, they dripped with adoration and it was clear he was only teasing.
"Yes, of course. How in heaven am I going to do this? It just seems utterly impossible."

He looked blank for a second and then began to mime. He held his closed hands in front of him then opened them.
"It's a book." Smiled Anathema. The angel nodded and held up two fingers.
"Two words," this was Newt. He nodded again and held up just one finger.
"First word," Anathema again. Crowley was sitting smiling in an infatuated way as he gazed at his "friend".
"The!" Exclaimed Newt as Aziraphale formed a T with his hands.
"Second word..."

This is where it began to get complicated. The Angel's white wings suddenly unfolded, knocking a painting off the wall as they did so. Before it could hit the ground, Crowley waved his hand and the painting returned to where it was.
"Thank you dearest," smiled the angel.
"Shh, no talking." Scolded the demon.
"Oh right, sorry." Mouthed Aziraphale before pointing at himself then up at the sky.
"The Heavons?" Questioned Newt. Aziraphale shook his head. Next, he pointed at Crowley and pointed downwards.
"The city of fallen Angel's?" Suggested Anathema.
"Romeo and Juliet." Muttered Newt quietly so that only Anethama could hear. She stifled a giggle.

"It's only two words." Crowley pointed out before turning his attention back to Aziraphale who had lowered himself onto the ground and wriggled over to Anathema who had stopped trying to stifle her laughter. He pushed himself up onto the sofa and  made the appearance of whispering something in her ear.

"Don't, that tickles!!" She was giggling heavily now and Newt joined in with his deep laughter. Crowley was chuckling softly and thinking how adorable his angel was. The angel in question had managed to get up off the floor and was now reaching up to pick something which he mimed taking a bite of. Crowley's face lit up and he bounced up out of his seat, all pretence of coolness gone in his excitement.
"I know, I know! Is it the Bible?" Aziraphale nodded happily, looking like a child at Christmas.
"That brings back good memories. I think I fell in love with you the moment I saw you, you know angel." Newts eyes widened and he nudged Anathema. She put her finger to her lips smiling.

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