Nice boop

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Word count: 1200

"You know Crowley, I've always said that deep down, you really are quite a nice..." the Angel's remark was interrupted as an infuriated demon grabbed him by his coat collar and pushed him up against the wall.
"Shut it." He snarled, "I'm a demon, I'm not nice, I'm never nice. Nice is a four letter word and I'm not h..."
The angel heard none of this as he was busy focusing on how close Crowley's nose was to this own and having an internal argument about whether or not he should kiss it. He had just decided that there would be no harm in it when a female voice trickled into this thoughts and said nose moved away to look at its source.

"Sorry to break up an intimate moment, can I..."
There was a pause and Crowley's hands let go of his coat collar to redirect his anger at the newcomer.
"Saints and demons preserve us, its Master Crowley."
Aziraphale looked at the women, equal parts annoyance that she had interrupted his booping plan and relief that Crowley seemed to have forgotten his anger towards him, for now at least.

The demon snapped and the interruption froze in place.
The angel looked at him with affectionate disapproval.
"You didn't have to do that, you could have just asked her." He adjusted his coat and bow tie as he spoke and attempted to appear less flustered.

This caused noises of disbelief and adorable mockery from Crowley.
"Of course, of course. No. Yeah. Excuse me ma'am, we're two supernatural entities just looking for the notorious son of satan. Wonder if you might help us with our enquiries." Aziraphale tried to look annoyed by this childish rebuttal but really he was thinking just how cute Crowley was and how much he wished he had taken the chance to kiss his nose when he had the chance. As they walked closer to the ex nun, he made up his mind that he would do everything within his power to kiss his friends nose at some point in the future.

*some point in the future, a few weeks after the averted apocalypse*

The two supernatural entities were standing at a deserted bus stop. Crowley was in a particularly foul mood as the heavens had suddenly opened as they walked here from the old bookstore Aziraphale had insisted he accompany him to and his new designer jacket had been completely soaked through. Although he enjoyed watching the angel peruse books excitedly, 5 hours was rather longer than he could bear and his patience was already wearing thin.

He hadn't slept particularly well the night before as his window latch had mysteriously broken and spent the whole night rattling and he was utterly exhausted. Of course, none of this had anything to do with his friend, it was just a coincidence that the angel had waved his hand subtly at the exact moment it started raining. The fact that the roof of the bus shelter was really rather faulty and various drips of dirty water kept landing on and around them also was not his fault. He had no idea why the demons attempts to stop the rain and fix the bus shelter weren't working, it certainly had nothing to do with him.

Crowley's copper hair hung limply in his eyes and he kept taking off his sunglasses to rub them in frustration and tiredness although he would never admit that he was sleepy to anyone. He wore a furious scowl upon his face and was trying his best not to sneeze.

It wasn't really working and eventually he couldn't hold it in any longer. The sneeze was the cutest sound Aziraphale had ever heard and he said as much.
"You know dear, you really are adorable, despite how much you try to hide it. That sneeze was the cutest th..."

Crowley was already feeling rather the worse for wear and already felt self conscious of his despondent appearance and lack of coolness in that moment. Aziraphale's remark was the final straw, he turned on him, snarling furiously, his golden eyes flashing angrily behind his glasses. As the angel had hoped he would, he grabbed his coat collar and pushed him up against the brick wall of the bus shelter.

"I am not adorable. How DARE you suggest such a thing! I am a demon, I am ferocious and evil and.." his ranting was suddenly stopped by the feeling of warm lips on his freezing nose and the quiet boop that followed it.
"And utterly adorable." Smiled the angel as Crowley blushed a deep shade of crimson and stared at his friends innocent looking face in shock. There was a moment of silence as he tried to process.

"Did you just....?" He choked out.
"I didn't do anything my dear, oh look, here's the bus. Let's get you home and dry." By some miracle, the bus rounded the corner at that very moment and Aziraphale gently removed Crowley's cold fingers from his collar and pulled him onto the brightly lit bus.
The driver rose his eyebrows at their disheveled state.

"Evening love birds, where we off to?" Crowley's blush became impossibly deeper and he glared at the spot where his and Aziraphale's hands hung limply together, loosely linked from Aziraphale grabbing it to drag him onto the bus. His brain was telling him that he should pull his hand away as he should be angry with the angel for making such a fool of him but his heart felt warm and fluttery and told him to leave it where it was as it was really very warm and soft.

During this internal battle, Aziraphale had said, "not love birds, just good friends. Two singles to Soho please." The driver looked sceptically at their inter locked hands as he took their money and printed their tickets but said nothing more. He smiled as he remembered the bashful way him and his husband had used the same excuse back in the early days of their relationship.

Aziraphale took the tickets and pulled his friends to the two seats they always sat in, the first ones slightly elevated in the middle of the bus. As usual, Crowley sat by the window and Aziraphale released his hand in order to open the bag he had been carrying and pull out one of the three books he had purchased that afternoon. He opened it carefully and began to read in the electric light.

Crowley found, to his surprise, that he missed the comfort of the Angel's hand and felt empty as soon as it was gone. He placed his left hand on his knee and stared at the darkness that was sailing past. To his surprise, he felt something warm on top of it and glanced down to see Aziraphale had gently placed his hand on top of it. He smiled slightly and returned to looking out into the darkness.

The gentle warmth of his friends hand combined with his tired state and gentle rain sounds that pattered on the buses roof sent him into a quiet, thoughtful hypnosis and he was vaguely aware of a warmth spreading through him as a wink from the angel dried out his previously sodden clothing.

An, I still have more I want to write of this but I'm aware it's getting rather long so I'm possibly going to continue this in a part two when I get round to it:) I hope you enjoyed it, have a lovely day💛💛

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