Are they in love? Part 1

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An. This is very much not the fic I set out to write but I got carried away so here it is:) I'll have to come back to my original idea tomorrow. This story just kept going and got longer and longer so I've split it into 2 parts to make it more digestible, enjoy this complete and utter fluff💛💛

Word count: 950

It had a year since the not quite apocalypse. Things had happened terribly quickly during this time, for Crowley and Aziraphale's standards at least. Everything just kind of snowballed.

First, there was the dinner at the Ritz which lead to Aziraphale staying the night at Crowley's. They were too tired from all the excitement to even think about the fact that they seemed to be sharing a bed together and it had seemed only natural when they woke up in each others arms. They had just slotted into the routine of sharing a bed whenever either of them was still at the others place when they began to get sleepy. Now that there wasn't to threat of their head offices looming over them, they both found themselves being a lot more affectionate with each other.

It started with holding hands whenever they went out as they enjoyed the warmth. And then came the dancing on that wonderful Saturday night when Crowley turned up rather intoxicated. And the weekly watching of rom coms (Crowley had protested and suggested they watched action instead but he actually much preferred romance which Aziraphale knew and so he gave in very quickly when the angel kept pushing) snuggled in each others arms. And who could forget the booping incidents. And the regular cuddling whenever either of them was remotely 'cold'.

Eventually, they had just given up on excuses and cuddled whenever possible. What had started as just forehead and cheek kisses became quick kisses on the lips and eventually longer, loving kisses because it made them both feel warm and happy to be so close to each other. "I love you." became a common phrase between them and the line between platonic and romantic had become more and more muddled.

Neither of them mentioned it though, just accepting as the new normal. It was only when they went to visit Anathema and Newt for the 10th weekly drinking and games that they had started a couple of months after the apocalypse that wasn't that the label for their relationship was even thought of. Anathema and Newt had been watching the two beings carefully recently as they had been noticing the growing closeness between the two. Of had been the subject of quite a few conversations between them.

"Are those two together at all Ana?" Asked Newt as they returned to sitting facing each other on the sofa after they had waved them off for the 3rd time.
"I don't think so, I think they would have mentioned it if they were." She frowned thoughtfully as she said this.
"Are you sure? Just that they were sitting awfully close to each other and kept smiling at each other as though they were very much in love."
"I thought that too but I think that might just be them. I mean, they have been each others only friend for a very long time, its bound to be more intense than normal human friendships."
"I suppose you're right, as always. How long is very long by the way?"
"I think Aziraphale said something about it being 6000 years."  Newt spluttered on his wine and looked at her is wonder.
"6000 years? Good lord, that really is a long time!! Surely they must have fallen in love by now!" They both laughed and began to talk about romance tropes in books which lead to a conversation about where they should go for their next date.

*the next week*

"I'm sure those two are in love Ana! Friends don't call each other Angel and My dear do they?"
"They've always called each other that! They were acting liking a married couple when Crowley knocked me over all those months ago."
"That proves my point."
"No it doesn't, it's probably just their dynamic."

*the week after that*

"On second thoughts, I think you maybe right Hun, they were definitely holding hands just then!"
"I told you!! Definitely a married couple."
"Let's not go that far."
"They've been together for 6000 years Ana, they must be married by now!"
"Yea but they are two supernatural beings who aren't bound by the same feelings as humans remember."
"Oh come on, love looks the same in all species."
"I mean, female spiders bite their mates heads of so you know."
"Okay, point taken."

*the week after that*

"Were they playing footsie under the table?"
"I think so, did you see the way they were gazing at each other? It was sickening."
"I'm sure we look at each other like that though love."
"Oh almost certainly hun, but I require a good snog for you to prove your love for me."
"Hah, it sounds weird hearing you say snog!"
"Just shut up and kiss me already."

*the week after that*

"This is getting ridiculous! They were practically on top of each other all evening! Do you think we should say something?"
"Don't be dramatic hun, Crowley always sits spread out like that, I'm sure it was just coincidence that Aziraphale's legs were underneath his."
"Yes right, 'coincidence'. They are so clearly infatuated Ana!"
"Yeah, I know. I don't think we should bring it up until they do though incase they are just friends and they get really embarrassed or something."
"Fine, but they definitely love each other, whether they've admitted it to themselves yet or not."
"If they are and haven't admitted it yet then that's all the more reason not to bring it up, you know how flustered Aziraphale gets."

*the week after that*

"I can't take anymore of this, if they don't bring it up in the next two weeks I'm going to ask them."
"I agree, it's infuriating not knowing but I really don't think we should overstep too soon."
"Fine, three weeks then. I can't take anymore than that."

*a week later*

"Well that was like watching a rather intense rom com."
"Two weeks."

I'm stopping part one there so if you should really be asleep right now then this is your chance as the next part is quite long, you have been warned:) alternatively, just keep scrolling for more fluff:)

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