These lips two blushing pilgrims stand

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Warning, there is a make out scene in  this but nothing more than that so  dont worry my fellow aces, I've got you:) apart from that, I hope you enjoy this complete candy floss off a story💛💛

Words: 2222

There were only 2 days left of half term now and Crowley and Aziraphale were frantically trying to prepare some last minute lessons. Well Aziraphale was trying to help Crowley as he had done all of his lesson prep during his breaks before the holidays had even started. Crowley would have happily left them till even more last minute if her husband hadn't put his foot down and told her she shouldn't be putting herself under stress, especially with being pregnant and all, even if it was still very early on.

It had been a week since the whole glowing incident and Crowley was just about used to her new body, although she still had issues with remembering to eat and her emotions were even more erratic than usual as her hormones ran wild.

Hormones, she had decided very quickly, were incredibly inconvenient and if she burst into tears one more time after seeing an advert, she was going to... actually she wasn't sure what she was going to do but it certainly wouldn't be pleasant for anyone involved.

She wondered how other women managed, especially the ones who had testosterone filled partners. It was bad enough having one of them randomly crying then aggressively denying it, let alone two.

No, she was very glad that Aziraphale was as level headed as ever. Which meant outwardly calm and helpful and inwardly freaking out but he was at least good at hiding his panic as lord knows how two panicking supernatural beings would have panned out.

She was also a lot more clingy than usual and had her arms tightly around her partner whenever possible, placing soft kisses on as much of his skin as she could reach which he was enjoying immensely. They were both dreading the return to teaching as it seemed a huge hardship to have to prise Aziraphale from Crowley's loving grasp but they were missing all the students terribly.

They had researched online how long you should wait before telling people that you are pregnant and it had said 12 weeks which seemed reasonable enough, especially as they were still unsure whether this pregnancy was going to progress the same way as a humans would. However, they were going to visit Anathema and Newt in 2 weekends time to not only see them but to also spend time with their god daughter and, as they were their closest friends and knew about the whole supernatural entities thing, they had decided to tell them.

This did mean however, that Crowley was facing a few weeks of seeing lots of people who she wasnt allowed to tell about her pregnancy which was going to be difficult as that's all she wanted to talk about.

Crowley leaned back in her chair and rubbed her forehead in exasperation.
"I think that will have to do angel, my head is beginning to have that horrible throbbing feeling that I only usually have when I've just sobered up. Speaking of, should we have some wine?"
"Are you forgetting that your pregnant dear?" Smiled Aziraphale, kissing the top of her head.
"Oh yeah, shit. No wine for 9 months, that's not going to be fun."

"Itll be worth it though my dear."
"Yes, definitely worth it." She placed a hand on her stomach and smiled.
"How about a cup of tea and a slice of cake?" Suggested Aziraphale. Crowley brightened up immensely at this suggestion and practically bounced up from her chair, which she immediately regretted as it brought on a wave of nausea and she sunk into the sofa, groaning slightly.

"Are you alright darling?" Fretted Aziraphale, rushing to her side and feeling her forehead with his hand which she pushed away, smirking.
"I appreciate your concern angel, really I do but theres no need to fuss quite so much. I just feel a bit dizzy is all, itll pass in a minute or two."
"Alright, you cant blame me for worrying though. I've never had a pregnant wife before you know." She laughed and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.
"And I've never been a pregnant wife before but we have each other so we'll be absolutely fine. Have some trust in that God of yours. Now, I believe you mentioned cake?"

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