Holy Hell, Teachers part 3

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Word count: 3800

Tw: be forewarned, this is slightly angsty but it has a happy ending, don't worry:) stop reading this bold bit now if you don't want spoilers but basically Aziraphale gets ill and Crowley has to save his life so if that's something you would rather not read then that's totally fine, just skip this one. There is also mentions of blood and minor injury. There are also quite a few swear words. Please let me know if there are any other triggers that I've missed:)

*another 4 weeks later*

"Ok class, today we are going to be looking at the story of Romeo and Juliet. Although it is usually seen as a romance, when I talked to William about it he told me it was a critique of young love and an advisory tale to be more cautious and to be more aware of the difference between love and lust."

The class looked at their enthusiastic English teacher blankly. "Right, sorry, yes, I seem to be getting a bit ahead if myself, we can talk about that later. Ok, let's start with Act 1, scene 1: the street fight, I'm going to need everyone to move the tables and chairs to the sides so that we have a clear stage in the centre."

An excited murmer spread through the class: a street fight sounded like it would be great fun! Would they actually get to hit each other? No, probably not, Mr Fell wasn't that sort if teacher. They all began pushing the tables aside, laughing and chatting as they did so.

"Lucy, Jack and Samantha, please could you come and help me get the swords out of the cupboard?"
Swords? Now this sounded promising. The three mentioned rushed over to help their teacher retrieve several plastic swords, some capes and hats from the cupboard.
"What's this sir?" Questioned Lucy, holding up what she had found.
"It looks like a real sword! Cool!" Shouted Jack, taking it from her and swishing it about.

Mr Fell took it from him hastily and shoved it back into the cupboard.
"Oh dear, no idea how that got there, must have gotten carried away. Oops, sorry but you most definitely cannot have that, someone might get hurt."
Samantha, who had been about to ask whether she could use it, pouted in annoyance.

Suddenly, there was a crash and the previously noisy class went silent. Mr Fell's face appeared from behind the door, wearing a slightly worried expression.
"What was that?" The class looked at him awkwardly, "It sounded an awful lot like glass shattering. Is everyone ok?" The whole class nodded at him. "Look, I know you don't want to own up or get anyone in trouble but I need you to tell me what happened so that I can clear it up so noone gets hurt. Come on year 10."

They all shuffled slightly and a short child with very dark hair and glasses that seemed to be held together with bits of blue tack spoke up.
"Sorry sir, it was me sir. My bottle of herbal iced tea fell off the table and smashed." He moved slightly to the left and gestured at the brown liquid and broken glass that was scattered across the floor behind him.

"Right, thank you for being honest Onyx, just give me a second and I'll clear it up. Can everyone step away from the broken glass please." Mr Fell disappeared back into the cupboard and emerged holding a very white dust pan and brush with gold handles. He placed them on his desk and rolled up his shirt sleeves, he was not about to get them covered with herbal tea. As he bent down to sweep up the glass, somebody gasped very loudly.

"Oh my God sir!!!"
"What is it Allison dear, I have glass to sweep up." He sighed, pausing in his sweeping to look at her questioningly.
"You've got the same tattoo as Mr Crowley sir! The matching one! The black Angel's wing!" The rest if the class stared at her and then looked at their teacher in shock.
"She's totally right! He does!" Exclaimed Amos to Brittany.
"But sir said that it was his husband who had the matching tattoo so that means..." Amy trailed off.
"Are you and Mr Crowley married Sir?!?!" Yelled Jack.

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