Best friend song fic: part 2

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Word count: 1200

Soon enough,  they were settled under Aziraphale's tartan duvet, hot drinks on the bedside table beside them (Crowley had a coffee, black, and Aziraphale his customary coco). There was a laptop open to Netflix on Crowley's knees and Aziraphale was snuggled into the demon with his head on his chest.
"Right then, what was it you wanted to watch?"

"It's called Single all the way." Smiled Aziraphale.
"Oh no, we are not watching another Rom Com, the last one was painfully bad. I don't think I can sit through another 2 hours like that, I will probably discorparate!"

Aziraphale looked up at his frowning demon and gave him his best puppy eyes.
"The last one wasn't bad, it was cute!"
"It was not, it was so full of terrible Scottish stereotypes and cringy hetronormativity. The costumes were quite nice but apart from that. What was it called again? A crap ton of lies for Christmas?"
"It was full of love and festive happiness and it was called no such thing. It was a Castle for Christmas."
"Whatever, the short of it is that I refuse to watch another rom com like that. Never again."

The angel resorted to a tactic he knew would work. He began tracing little love hearts on the bare chest exposed by the demons black silk night dress and gave him his best pout and puppy eyes.
"But darling, this isn't like the last one! For a starters, the two protagonists are both Male and.."
Crowley rolled his eyes, "you know gender means nothing to me. It is a ridiculous human concept that has no bearing on anything. A gay relationship can be just as stupid and unbelievable as a straight relationship."

"Don't lie to me, I've seen how much you smile whenever you see two people of the same gender holding hands in the street. And you always save videos to show me whenever you see a queer couple in adverts. And I've see you looking at Johnlock fanfiction on your phone when you think I'm not looking. You clearly have a place in that cold, black heart of yours for queer love stories."

Crowley frowned deeply and shook his head, "No I don't!! I don't know what you're talking about. I just like seeing progress is all. Shut up angel." He pushed the now laughing Aziraphale off his chest and crossed his arms.
"I hate you." Crowley sounded very much like a perturbed child when someone has just found their secret stash of toys and is teasing them for it.

"No you don't, you love me." Aziraphale pushed himself back onto Crowley's chest and the demon didn't resist. He moved his arms so that they were around his friends shoulders.
"Fine, you win angel. We'll watch this stupid Single all the fucking way rom com, but only because it will make you happy. I hope you know that I am not at ALL pleased about this."
Aziraphale smiled and drew circles on his friends upturned palm, "Whatever you say dear."

For the first part of the film, Crowley pretended to be hating it. He tutted everytime anything vaguely cute happened and made sure that the angel could see him rolling his eyes everytime he glanced up at him. But by half way through, Crowley couldn't really hide how much he was enjoying it anymore and resigned to quietly smiling at the screen. By the end, he had large tears rolling down his face which he quickly tried to wipe away.

As the credits rolled, he remarked "Fine, you were right angel, I did really like that film." There was no response so he looked down and found that the angel had his eyes closed and was breathing peacefully. The demon had to bite his tongue to stop himself from awwing. This resulted in a sudden yelp as he had bitten down harder than he had intended and could now feel the metallic taste of blood spread through his mouth.

Aziraphale stirred and his eyes blinked slowly open.
"Was, was happnin?" He murmured, rubbing sleep from his eyes.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I just bit my tongue is all."
Aziraphale pouted sleepily, "oh, you poor dear." He waved his hand vaguely and the pain in Crowley's mouth suddenly stopped.
"Thank you angel." He smiled, leaning down to kiss his forehead softly.
"No problem Dearest."

The sleepy angel suddenly noticed the still rolling credits and sighed. "Oh, I missed the ending, how very annoying. Did I fall asleep?" Crowley ran his fingers through his friend's hair and nodded.
"Was it good? Did they finally admit their love for each other and get their happily ever after?"
"It was a rom com, what do you think?" Chuckled Crowley.

"Well yes but do you not remember Lalaland?"
"Point taken, you cried for weeks after we saw that. I would just walk into the kitchen and there you'd be, crying over the potatoes! It didn't matter how many times I explained to you that it was an excellent example of a realistic love story and that just because something doesn't work out doesn't mean it's not a happy ending. They both got their dream careers after all!"
Aziraphale sniffed softly, "yes but love is more important!! They were so cute together and then it was just over!! It was so sad!" Crowley gently wiped away the tears that were beginning to form in his Angel's eyes.

"Yes, this one did have a happy ending angel."
"Why have you been crying then?" The demon went bright red and rubbed his eyes quickly.
"I haven't!! I'm just tired is all!" He muzzled his face into Aziraphale's hair so he couldn't see that his usually amber eyes had turned a deep shade of lilac, the embarrassingly obvious indicator that he had been crying.

The laptop magically moved to the bedside table next to their empty mugs and Aziraphale rolled over and pushed himself up on this elbows so that he was lying on top of Crowley with their noses almost touching. He smiled in triumph as he saw the gold specks he had been looking for.
"Haha, they were happy tears! You loved it! I knew you were a romantic, deep down!"
"Fine angel, you were right. I loved it."
Aziraphale smiled happily and returned to his original position. Crowley smiled too and reached for the laptop.

"Now then, what's the last part you remember?"
"Peter and Nick were in the kitchen and they were about to profess their love for each other."
"Right, let me just find that part then."
The film started playing again and this time, by the end credits, it was Crowley who was fast asleep. Aziraphale smiled and rearranged him so he wouldn't have a sore back into the morning. Then, he placed the laptop on the table and, with a wink, turned the lights off.
"Good night Dearest. I love you, even if you pretend to not be the biggest sap in existence."

An. I do hope you enjoyed all that sappyiness:) have a wonderful day and I'll see you again soon for another installment of cuteness.💛💛

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