Have you ever thought about children?

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An. I am I still continuing in the same timeline, yes, yes I am. Is there any reason other than it makes me happy? No, not really. Anyway, here's this

Word count: 2222

It was half term and Crowley and Aziraphale were standing in an art gallery, looking up at a beautiful painting of a pregnant virgin Mary. Crowley seemed lost in thought and Aziraphale was making notes in a small, leather bound notebook with A+C printed very neatly in gold on the bottom corner that his husband had gotten him for their anniversary. Suddenly, Crowley spoke.

"Have you ever thought about kids?"
"Hmm?" Aziraphale looked up from his carefully written notes.
"I said, have you ever thought about kids?" Crowleys serpentine eyes were very round and he was looking at his partner with great intensity.
"Whatever do you mean dearest? Of course I've thought about children, we had to look after one for 11 years after all and it's hard not to think about them when they are running around you all the time."
"No, I dont mean in passing. I mean, have you ever thought about having kids of your own?"

Aziraphale looked dumbfounded and blinked slowly as he tried to process this information.
"My dear boy, whatever would be the point? I'm an angel after all, its not as though I can reproduce."
"Right, um well. Yes, I guess that answers that then."
Crowley scuffed his feet against the floor nervously and looked away.

Aziraphale scrunched his eyebrows together before deciding it was just one of Crowleys funny hypotheticals and returned to making notes about the year of the painting and trying to remember what he was doing then.

1457? Now was I in France? Or was it Italy? Gosh, it is hard to keep track of dates.

He had just decided that he was probably in England actually as the king was about to be born when Crowleys voice interrupted his reminiscences.

"There's always adoption you know." He was twiddling with a loose strand of shoulder length auburn and addressing the painting rather than Aziraphalen
"You what now darling?"
"Have you ever considered adopting a child?"
"I don't see the point dear, they would only die after a less than a century and then I'd be left with an aching hole." The Angel's brow was furrowed in thought.

"Yes, but we look after all those kids at school and it doesn't seem to bother you that they are all going to die at some point." The demon had moved on to fiddling with his gold wedding band. Aziraphale reached put his hand and placed it on top of the nervous fingers, stilling them.

"Well it's a bit different dear, I'm less attached than if it was our own child."
"We raised Warlock." Willow fingers tapped out a gentle rhythm against the hand that was holding them.
"Crowley?" He used his free hand to reach out and cup his partners face, tracing the snake tattoo as he did so.
"Yes Angel?"
"Look at me please." Crowley obeyed and Aziraphale saw the soft glimmers of hope and glistening tears held in the amber eyes.
"Do you want a child dearest?" He questioned softly. Crowley paused and glanced at the floor before nodding his head the merest fraction of an inch.
"I know it's probably stupid but..." he trailed off, a single tear glistening on his cheek.

"Oh you massive softy, come here." Sighed Aziraphale, pulling him close to his chest, "I always knew you had a soft spot for kids, I should have realised you'd want one at some point."
"I really... I know we cant but... I wish..." Crowley sobbed into his chest, his tears soaking through his baby blue shirt.
"Oh dear me, you are in a mess arent you? Let's get you home and we can talk about this more there, ok? Come one dearest." Grabbing his hand, he began to lead them out of the museum and to the waiting Bentley.

*a few days later*

They had spent every moment of the past few days looking through adoption websites and surrogate lists and discussing all the possibilities. They had talked and argued and shouted and cried and every passing hour felt more and more painful and like they were moving further and further away from a solution.

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