I really hate you, you know?

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An. This kind of follows on from the last part but is also pretty stand alone. I am going to finish the teacher story, hopefully, when I have the time and motivation. For now, enjoy this fluffy argument of them teasing each other cutely.

Word count:1650

"Why are you sitting all the way over there when you could be keeping me warm?"
Crowley raised his head from where it was resting on the seat of his armchair. He was sitting in a way that could not be at all comfortable or helpful for a person's spine that only queer people (or vaguely nonbinary, possibly asexual, romantically ambiguous but knew he loved Aziraphale, demons who were most certainly queer in human terms but didn't really see the point of labels themself as they were actually an ethereal being who ascended gender and sexuality) could ever achieve. He was curled up in a way that was probably serpentine but gave him the air of being a rather sweet and sleepy cat.

He huffed and blinked sleepily at his husband, "fllmm, euuff. I can't actually remember right this second. Give me a minute and I'll get back to you with the excellent reason that I'm *yawn* sure I have." His eyes fluttered slightly and looked like they were beginning to close. Aziraphale pouted but went back to reading his book: there was no point in trying to have a sensible conversation with Crowley when he had just woken up.

After 73 seconds of silence, Crowley had finally managed to just about wake up enough to formulate his thoughts into a coherent recollection of the reasoning behind his slightly huffy refusal to cuddle with his partner.
"The reason is.." He began and the angel looked up at him attentively.
"The reason is," he started again to make sure he got it right, "that you signed me up to go to that teacher hangout bull**it at that wittering maths teachers house for New Years without asking me first whether that would actually be something I'd enjoy." Crowley finished his point smugly and scowled slightly for effect.

Aziraphale sighed and pushed the reading glasses he had taken to wearing because Crowley thought they looked adorable on him and so would kiss him more often when he was wearing them (also, although he would never admit this what with being a celestial being and all whose eyesight should in theory be perfect, they did actually make the words much clearer and meant that he could read for much longer without getting a headache. It probably came from having to condense all those blooming eyes into just two), back up his nose carefully.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous Dearest, I knew you would say no if I asked you because you like to seem cool and haughty like that but I also knew that you would regret it if you didn't come. Besides, I want you there with me, you mustn't be angry about me loving you so much and being clingy. It's your own fault for being too darn loveable." The Angel's voice was so sincere and his blue eyes were so warm and charming that Crowley had to fight very hard not to melt completely and he managed to quickly hide the flush that appeared on his cheeks by rearranging so his legs were over one chair arm and his head lay on the other, staring up at the ceiling.

"Don't try to make me forgive you by being all sweet and lovey dovey with me. You know fine well that that's not what I'm angry about."
Aziraphale feigned surprise, "Really? Than why ever are you annoyed with me, wonderful creature whom I adore?" he practically simpered.
"You are such a pain in the ass sometimes you know angel? We've spent most of eternity together dearest, you know fine well what I'm upset about."
Aziraphale smiled angelically at him, "That maybe so but perhaps I am suffering from a rare case of stupidity. Just incase that is the case, I do believe you had better enlighten me."

Crowley pulled a face as though he was chewing a wasp and held up his middle finger, "You are really pushing your luck you know angel, its never too late for a divorce." He fiddled with his platinum wedding band thoughtfully and smirked. Aziraphale rolled his eyes in a victorian gentlemanly manner that shouldn't have been possible, "You've put up with me for 6000 years my dear. Not only that but you have been head over heels with me for 6000 years and I'm your hereditary enemy. I'm sure our relationship can withstand a bit if light teasing, arent you? So go on, explain to me why you are annoyed?"

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