Best Friend: Laufey song fic. Part one

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An, please listen to the song above as you read, it's super cute and fits so well with the idea I had. You won't regret it, i promise:)

Word count: 1200 (I might have gotten a bit carried away so I've split it into 2 parts, this is just part 1)

The bell over the door of the bookshop rang, announcing the arrival of a new customer. Aziraphale looked up from the book he was reading and called out "Sorry, we're closed."
A teasing voice came back "Really? Even for someone who loves bookworms? I mean books?" Aziraphale laughed and carefully placed his bookmark and put his book onto the coffee table before straightening his jacket and going out to meet the idiot he loved.

"Hello dearest," He smiled as he emerged from the cosy back room into the main part of his bookshop.
"Hello Angel," Crowley bowed deeply to his friend and pulled him into a dancing hold. He spun him round the room for a moment before dipping him low and leaning after him so their noses were almost touching. The demon shifted slightly and pressed a light kiss to his friend's forehead before pulling him back up and stepping away slightly so they were stood facing each other with their hands held loosely between them.

Aziraphale was blushing a deep pink and trying not to grin too widely. The result was a very adorable angel with gently ruffled hair, anime pink cheeks and a very endearing half smile.
"What was that for?" He glanced shyly at the ground before looking back up into Crowley's amber eyes. His friend smirked lovingly at him.
"No reason, just wanted you to know that I love you and that you are my best friend in the whole wide world."

Aziraphale pouted and feigned sadness.
"Why are you giving my sad puppy eyes? What did I do wrong?"
Aziraphale sniffed, "I'm your best friend in the world?"
"Yes, of course you are..."
"I must admit that I am deeply hurt by this revelation."
Crowley was getting more and more confused, "What, why? Isn't that a good thing?"
"Not really, for you are my best friend in the whole wide universe which means that I love you more than you love me." The two looked at each other for a moment before they both burst out laughing.

"Oh lord, your face!!! It was so funny, I don't know how I didn't laugh sooner!!"
"You are a Bastard, you know that angel? A bastard through and through, I was genuinely worried I'd done something wrong there!!"
Aziraphale's hysterical laughing turned to controlled snickers and he put his arms around his friend.
"I know, I'm sorry but I just couldn't resist."
"Oh, I can't be angry with someone so cute, all is forgiven." They pulled apart and Crowley wiped the tears of laughter away from his cheeks.

Aziraphale sniffed gently and then sniffed again. He got very close to Crowley's mouth and sniffed again.
"What are you doing?" Crowley tried to manoeuvre Aziraphale away but it was too late.
"Yes angel?"
"Have you been drinking?" Crowley looked sheepish and a red blush travelled over his face.
"And there I was just thinking you were being nice, you are always so affectionate when you're drunk."
"Sorry Aziraphale, I just got bored waiting for you to close the shop so I might have had one, or maybe 10, shots at the bar down the road. I know I'm a soppy mess."

Aziraphale smiled his special "I love you, you massive dork" smile.
"Don't apologise, I must admit that I find it incredibly endearing, I must endeavor to get you intoxicated more often."
Crowley's blush deepened and he took a step closer to Aziraphale and whispered in his ear, "No need angel, I'm always intoxicated enough by your presence anyway."

Aziraphale coughed and looked away in embarrassment. His ears went a lovely shade of fuchsia.
"Right yes, very good, umm." He faltered and swallowed nervously.
"Sorry, am I making you uncomfortable? I don't know why I get so flirty when I'm drunk, probably just because it's so easy to flirt with you and you look so very sweet when you're embarrassed."
Aziraphale wrinkled up his nose adorably as if to emphasize Crowley's point.

"Sorry, sorry. I'll stop. Just give me a moment to sober up." Crowley pulled a face as he emptied the alcohol from his system. Darren, the bartender at village Soho was very surprised to find the bottle of vodka, which he was sure was almost empty, miraculously mostly full again.

"There, no more drunk, flirty demon."
Aziraphale ruffled his red hair affectionately, "That's a shame, I was rather enjoying it."
"Shut up angel." He snapped. Aziraphale was slightly taken a back but then Crowley winked and smirked, "You're too cute for me not to flirt with, even if I'm not drunk." Aziraphale smiled and blushed again.

Crowley leaned against one of the bookshelves and ran his hand through his hair. Aziraphale gazed at him, first admiringly and then in confusion.
"Have you done something to your hair?" He gushed quickly.
"I was wondering how long it would take you to notice. Do you like it?" Aziraphale examined his friend's newly cut hair. It was much shorter than he had ever seen it before. He wrinkled up his nose again.

"Well, umm" he began slowly.
"You don't like it do you? Damn."
"It's well, you know I think you look great whatever you wear or however you style your hair but..."
"I'm sorry but it really doesn't suit you! It makes your ears look so funny!! Its just it... its sh... shall we say not hugely becoming of you."
Crowley rolled his eyes, "you're allowed to say it's shit you know angel."
Aziraphale looked sheepish, "I'm sorry, I would never... it's just... yes, your right its umm, it's..."
"Shit." Crowley finished for him to save the Angel's awkwardness around using bad language.

"Well yes, to put it simply. You still look very handsome though, provided you ignore that bit." He said, closing one eye and putting his hand up to block the offending hairstyle from his view. Crowley laughed, "Don't worry angel, it will grow back in no time and then I'll never have it this style again. Maybe I'll go back to my 60s look." (I think it was 60s when he had that awful hair, the one where Aziraphale gives him the holywater)

"Oh no, please don't!! I didn't want to say anything at the time but you looked so sleazy, I hated that hair!!"
Crowley chuckled, "I know you did, you're very easy to read you know angel, that's why I suggested it. To be honest, I hated that one too." They both laughed.
"Anyway, weren't we going to watch a movie tonight?"
"Oh yes, I've found a wonderful film that I very much would like to watch."
"Excellent, your place or mine."
"You are already here so..."
"Righto, your place it is, come on then."
Crowley linked arms with Aziraphale and pulled him through the back over to the stairs that lead up to his apartments above the shop.

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