Chapter 7: I'll Change Face To Get What I Crave

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Song for this chapter: Product Of A Murderer- Of Mice & Men

Vamp's POV

It has been a week since Chris and my fight and we still haven't spoken. In my opinion he needs to grow up, I'm a grown woman and I'm sure him and his girlfriends don't just play Mario kart all day.

Motionless In White had gone back onto their bus as they were only here to try and fix things with me. I'm still going to continue seeing Balz, Ryan and Vinny and I'm not sure about Ricky, but definitely not Chris.

I walked into the front lounge and sat down next to Galaxy and rested my head on his shoulder.

"How are you doing today angel?" He asked. I sighed heavily and all the guys looked at my sympathetically.

I felt the sudden urge to vomit so I ran to the bathroom. My stomach lurched and the contents of my stomach spilled into the toilet. I felt someone pull my hair back and another one rubbing my back.

"Is she okay?" I heard Revenge asked by the door.

"I'm not sure," One of the voices behind me replied that I know recognised as Riot.

I finished the violent emptying of my stomach and sat against the wall. My fringe stuck to my head due to the sweat I had worked up and I was shaking violently. I have a massive fear of vomit, so it induced a lot of panic.

"You're okay," Galaxy said as he pulled me into his chest.

"Someone call Jack," Spider said.

Flame nodded and ran off, typing on his phone. I sat shaking as Galaxy comforted me and the rest observed me in silence. I grabbed my toothbrush and started to brush the vile taste out of my mouth.

Flame ran in a minute later, "Jack's not answering his phone so I called Balz." I nodded; at least he didn't call Chris.

A few minutes past and all that could be heard was the sound of everyone's breathing, mine heavier as I was still trying to catch my breath. The door swung open and Balz ran in with Ryan and Ricky behind him.

"Sorry we took so long we got Vinny to take Chris out so he didn't come looking for us because we figured you don't want him here," Balz wheezed out of breath.

I shook my head. "Where's Jack," I asked tearfully: I'd been very emotional this past week.

"He's not answering his phone babe," Flame told me.

"I want Jack," I started sobbing. What's wrong with me?

"I know baby, I'll try again," Flame reassured me and I nodded.

"What happened?" Ryan asked Galaxy.

Galaxy motioned for Ryan and Balz to follow him outside for some reason and Ricky took his place as my comforter. At this point I didn't care who was comforting me as I just needed a hug. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and I laid my head on his shoulder sniffling. He was shushing me and telling me it'd be okay. I know I was emotional, but why are they all being so dramatic about me revisiting my breakfast?

Ryan and Balz reappeared, both sporting concerned expressions. Galaxy followed with a grim expression on his face.

"Vamp?" Galaxy asked cautiously and I looked up at him, "How long have you been feeling sick?"

"About a week, but today's the first time I've been sick." I whispered as my throat burned from the acid and I couldn't talk properly without it hurting.

"Have you been having mood swings?" Balz asked. I nodded and they all exchanged glances.

"Will you come to the doctors with us?" Galaxy pleaded.

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