Chapter 10: So Let's Rewind Back

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Song for this chapter: Tragic Magic- Falling In Reverse

Vamp's POV

It's been a week since our baby died and I'm finally being let out of the hospital today because all of my test results came back saying it was something to do with the baby that made me regurgitate blood and not the fact that I was ill in the first place.

Jack has only visited me twice this week and both visits ended with me sending him home because he was being so nasty. Ricky has stayed with me throughout and supported me more than anyone else.

"You ready?" Galaxy asked as he walked in.

I nodded and fake-smiled at him. "Ready as I'll ever be."

We got in the car and drove back to the buses in silence.

"I'm going to go to the All Time Low bus first to speak to Jack," I told Galaxy.

"Good luck," Galaxy smiled and kissed me cheek.

I nodded and got out of the car slowly. I walked over to their bus which was parked across from ours and used my key to unlock the door. The bus was like a ghost town, nobody seemed to be here until I heard the groaning of a mattress meaning someone was in their bunk.

I walked into the bunk area and heard the mattress springs from Jack's bunk groan again. Perfect!

"Jack?" I asked.

"Shit," He mumbled and the groaning stopped.

"Who's that?" A different voice asked. This voice was more girly.

Jack shushed the voice. "Babe I'm feeling sick can you come back later?" He asked.

"Sure," I replied and walked away, but then I crept back silently.

"Who was that baby?" The squeaky voice asked.

"The girl that can't see us," Jack said as if he was speaking to a five year old.

"Okay," She chirped.

I pulled back the curtain. "The girl that can't see us?" I yelled. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I refused to let them escape as I will not let him see me cry over him. "How could you? Right after that happened?" I cried. "How long has this been happening then since you're both pretty acquainted over me?"

"It's not what it looks like."

"Fuck you." I spat.

"Wait! Vamp please!" He yelled.

I ignored him and sprinted into my bus, slamming the door behind me and sliding down it. A lot of voices started speaking at once meaning everyone was here, but I tuned them out and tried to focus on not crying. Of course I failed and a sob escaped my lips which was soon followed by many more. I soon decided there's no point in holding it back and I starting sobbing on the floor.

Arms wrapped around me and someone crouched in front of me. I looked up and through my tears I saw a blurry Chris in front of me and an almost unrecognisable Ricky hugging me out of the corner of my eye.

"What happened?" Ricky asked softly.

"Jack," was all that I managed out.

"What did he do?" Chris growled.

I couldn't answer because I was crying too much to form a coherent sentence.

"Did he do it again?" Galaxy asked. I nodded.

"Do what?" Chris spat.

"Cheated," Galaxy sighed.

"What?" Chris yelled outraged.

You Just Love To Hate Me || Ricky 'Horror' Olson (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now