Interaction pt2

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Guess who just got accepted to college!

And since I'm happy here's a little something for you all💜

Taehyung pov

I heard the doorbell ring I knew that they were here no one really visits me except Hobi but Hoseok doesn't ring the doorbell he just opens the door like it's his own house and let's not even talk about what Yoongi does. Jungkook was looking at me curiously with his beautiful doe eyes. I sighed and got to his level.

"Ok buddy don't be nervous now remember they're my family they're nice people I'm sure they're going to like you very much, now be polite just like I taught you". I said

He nodded slowly and quietly, once I stood up I saw Jungkook's bunny ears lowered meaning he was lowering his guard and he was feeling shy. I then made my way to the front door. Once I opened the door I saw Rosé with the biggest smile I've ever seen, and with a hot pink suitcase, next to her was Jackson he had a small smile and had his black suitcase and a really big box wrapped in gift paper wrap. Rosé then jumped to give me a hug and said that she was so excited to meet Jungkook.

I then opened the door wide enough so they could both enter. I helped out Jackson with the box since he was having trouble moving it. Once Rosé entered she dropped her things and sprinted towards Jungkook. She trapped him into a hug while Jungkook didn't hug back he was startled his doe eyes filled were a bit watery and now his bunny ears stood tall meaning he was alert.

"Rosé you can't do that, you startled him what did I tell you before you came here" I said with a sigh.

"I'm sorry Tae he's just so adorable I couldn't help it" she responded while now touching his ears.

"That's Rosé for you" said Jackson with a small smile.

I sighed and then said

"Kookie this is my sister Rosé and this is my brother Jackson. Remember they are going to stay here for a couple of days so be nice alright"

Jungkook nodded and just shyly waved at them. Rosé squealed and attacked him into another tight hug while Jackson waved back.

"I got this for you bro you should open it" Jackson said while mentioning the giant box.

I gave him a weird look but still bent down and tear off the paper. Rosé and Jungkook were both observing with curiosity. Once I got the paper off I was shocked at what Jackson gave me. Rosé let out a small oh no.

"Jackson" I said in a calm voice.

"I know I know I'm awesome no need to thank me my brother". He said.

"Jackson"! Rosé interrupted

By now Jackson had a I fucked up face.

"Tell me Jackson, why the fuck did you think this was a good idea".

He stood silent for a moment trying to think where he went wrong once he realized his eyes widened and said.

"I - I didn't know man I'm sorry I didn't meant to upset you I made some research on my own and I saw that most hybrid owners owned cages I just thought you also did". He responded honestly

I sighed trying to keep my composure after all he was my brother and I didn't want Jungkook to see me like this.

"I thought I told you Rosé that I treat Jungkook like a human being. For fuck's sake he's my boyfriend why the fuck would I keep my boyfriend in a fucking cage." I said

"I did told him that I swear"! Rosé responded on her defense

"Fuck I thought she was lying about the hybrid being your boyfriend" Jackson said with guilt on his voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2022 ⏰

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