The call

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(Sorry it's kinda long)

Taehyung pov

1 week has passed and now finally Jungkook can walk and yes you heard correctly Jungkook walks!!!

It took some time for him to adjust but it has been perfect he waddles most of the time but it's just so adorable that I can't stop him.

He still can't run which I'm kinda great full for as I always see how Hoseok struggles to catch Jimin when he runs away.

He started by just waddling here and there most of the time he would fall in his bum which caused a lot of bruises. But knowing how stubborn my Kookie is, he wouldn't stop until he could get to places by foot.

He still struggles but it's honestly better than nothing, and of course I still have to carry him around not as I used to but I still do. He just gets so lazy at time or regresses further in the worse time possible.

Well enough about the new update right now we are in a ice cream shop and as usual Jungkook can't decide in what to get. According to him he wants to try all of the flavors but wants to leave the best for last.

Once he finally decided in a flavor he sat down next to me making me feed him. And I know what you are thinking "how come he won't eat ice cream alone" well that's just how Kookie is he loves attention and needs someone to feed him always, because he still doesn't know how to use utensils, and it's just cleaner this way.
(Does this make sense?)

15 minutes later we were done eating I threw everything away, cleaned Jungkook's face and grabbed his hand leading us to my car.

I strapped him in his new car seat seat then started driving. While I was driving I saw that the park was empty and I knew that this was a great opportunity for Kookie to walk more.

"Baby do you want to go to the park?" I asked him. He immediately giggled and clapped his tiny hands, my heart melted at the sight.

I then parked my car, got out and went to unstrap Jungkook. Once he was out of the car I held his hand and we started walking toward the slides, well more like me walking and Jungkook waddling.

We then started to do everything that Jungkook wanted to do. First we went to the slides and then to the swings, later to the monkey bars which consisted of me carrying him and he would just hold the bars.

Now I was sitting in the park bench while Kookie was in the sand box. I was admiring the way Jungkook was playing always curios about things. That was until I got a call, my phone started ringing I was going to ignore it until I saw the caller Id.

It was my mother, I started to sweat and panic I didn't know how to answer I tried to calm down and once I did I answered.

"M-mom" I said while gulping.

"Hello my son how've you been" she said in a sweet tone.

"I've been good what about you" I asked.

"Oh I'm perfect, look I called you because I planed a family reunion I send you an invitation but it seemed like it never arrived as you never called me"

"Oh wow yea I never got anything from the mail I'm sorry. So when is it so I could plan it?"
I asked.

"That's the thing son it's tomorrow you will need to get a ticket to Gumi-si you will have to stay at least 3 days and also don't worry I still live in the same place" she said giggling.

I gulped and started freaking out 3 days what am I going to with Jungkook I can't possibly take him.

"Umm mom I don't think I can go I already have plans and I was informed way too late I'm sorry" I said while bitting my nails.

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