Day 3

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Taehyung pov

Last night I couldn't sleep at all I had too much stuff running through my mind. I tried calling Yoongi but he never picked up so I called Hoseok but he also didn't pick up. I honestly didn't blame them I know that they are mad at me I completely forgot about them and the one with the biggest pain is my poor Kookie.

I feel like shit knowing that I hurt him, I made him a promise and I broke it I can't even imagine how heartbroken he must be right now.

I was cut off of my thoughts when I heard my door open, it was Jackson who came in, once he saw me he said,

"Wow bro you look like shit what happened?"

"I'm fine I just couldn't sleep last night" I said while yawning.

"Well better get fixed up because your girlfriend and her mother are coming in less than an hour".

My eyes widened when I heard the news this is the last thing I wanted to hear, I groaned and covered my face with the blankets.

"What's wrong did you guys had a fight or something?"

"We are not a couple!" I snapped at him

Jackson then put his hands in surrender and whispered a small sorry then got out of my room.

Today couldn't get any worse, at least this is my last day here which is a bit of a relief, but not completely as I know I will have to make things right with my Kookie and the others once I get home.

It's honestly a little stressful but the only one to blame is me, so I can't really do nothing about it.

I then got out of bed and took a quick shower I then chose a decent looking outfit to wear, and once I was ready I went downstairs to see my parents in a rush to have everything perfect Rosé and Jackson were even helping out.

"Finally you're ready they must be here any minute now, so can you please go to the living room and open the door once it rings" my mother said.

I then nodded and went to the living room I sat down on the couch and started to check my phone to see if I had any messages from Hoseok and Yoongi, and as I suspected I didn't had any.

I sighed and some tears were about to come out but before they could I heard the door bell ringing.

I went and opened the door without checking who it was as I already knew who was it, I opened the door and greeted them with the best fake smile I could muster.

I saw Lisa's eyes shine as she saw me and her mother had a big smile on her face. We greeted each other and then like the gentleman I am I opened the door for them and asked if they wanted something to drink.

They both said that they were fine and that they wanted to help out, so we went to the kitchen and started to prepare the table.

I noticed that Lisa was staring at me the entire time and it didn't go unnoticed by my family who looked like a bunch of teenage girls. I rolled my eyes at them and just pretended like I didn't know what was going on.

Five minutes passed by and we were done with everything now we were all sitting down and eating on silent, that was until my mother started talking.

"Isn't this beautiful us being here together we all look like a family. Now we just need to find Jackson and Rosé some partners don't u think that would be nice" she asked them.

They only nodded and gave her a smile the rest of the dinner went by like a blur I wasn't listening to a word they were saying nor I cared. Also in all that time I felt Lisa's gaze on me , I honestly don't know what's up with her today.

I was cut off of my thoughts when my mother started talking to me,

"Tae don't you think that Lisa is a beautiful and nice girl?"

I only nodded, but once I did I saw my family and Lisa smile and they had the biggest smiles I have ever seen.

"We have all been discussing about this and I think is time to know your opinion".

"What is it?" I asked.

"How would you feel to be engaged with Lisa, of course the wedding wouldn't be right away but you will be living together and do couple stuff you people do nowadays"

Once those words came out of her mouth my throat went dry and it felt as the world stopped. How would I get out of this one everyone looks so happy and I don't want to ruin it, but saying yes would be the biggest mistake I would do. Plus I can't hurt my poor Kookie no more he has suffered enough and I'm not going to add to it no more.

"I'm sorry but my answer is no" I answered.

Everyone's faces turned into a frown quickly once I said those words.

"What do you mean no, I thought you had at least some feelings for me" Lisa said.

"I'm sorry I already have someone in my life"

"Are you serious then why didn't you said that on the beginning, you flirted with me all last night and you even kissed me".

"Correction you kissed me I didn't kissed you" I answered.

"Taehyung what is the meaning of this! You first lie to all of us and now you embarrass us! Tell me who is this girl you are supposedly with?" My father said with a demanding voice.

I gulped and I felt my heart pounding on my chest, my hands even started to shake. This is actually happening right now I've been meaning to tell them this ever since I was 15.

I took a deep breath and told them,

"It's not a girl nor completely human it's a male hybrid. Mom, Dad I've been meaning to tell you this since I was 15..............I'm gay"

And with that everything got silent.


Stay tuned for part 2

Sorry for not updating guys but I'm finally back!!!!!! Hopefully you guys like this chapter and don't be a silent reader comment you guys I love reading all of you're comments.

Also can we appreciate how awesome all of you guys are.

We just hit 16k!!!!!!!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Thank you all so much for the support I love you all so much stay awesome and stay safe💜💜💜💜💜

We just hit 16k!!!!!!!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 Thank you all so much for the support I love you all so much stay awesome and stay safe💜💜💜💜💜

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