Sick pt2

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Taehyung pov

It was a long ride home, as Jungkook threw up a second time, and almost passed out.

But we finally arrived home, also now for the bad news Jungkook's headspace is around 3-4 months.

Now I'm just going to be listening to crying all day long, it's not that I don't like Jungkook in baby space, I love him but I just know that when he's sick it's just gonna be a pain in the ass.

I carried him inside and left him resting in the couch while I went to the kitchen to get a wet cloth.

I went over to him and put it on his forehead, he flinched and started to cry.

I cradle him and started to lightly bounce him on my lap. I got the medicine bag with him in my arms.

The first thing that caught my eye was an enema and laxatives.

Fuck this is going to be a long day, around 5 minutes later Jungkook calmed down and now he was sucking on my shirt.

I went up to my room and stuck a pacifier in his mouth. Then I had to do the hard part, putting him in a diaper.

I laid him down and took off his pants and underwear it took me around 6 minutes to put him in the diaper.

I think blowing raspberries in his tummy makes the job easier.

Now that he was in diapers I took off his shirt as I know he hates clothes. Then I took him downstairs again, making him watch cartoons.

His eyes got bigger and he started to clap, so I took my chance to go to the kitchen I then started preparing him a bottle of banana milk, then I added 2 laxatives.

I mixed it so he won't notice or think it tastes weird. I went back to the living room and sat down next to him.

He immediately cuddled against me making me feed him his bottle.

He finished it quickly as he didn't ate in the morning.

He was now falling asleep until I heard his stomach growl.

"Mmm D-dada" he said with teary eyes while wrapping his arms around his stomach.

I unwrapped his arms and started to massage his tummy.

"Just let it out, the quicker you do the less embarrassing this will be" I told him reassuringly.

"K-koo koo no want to p-potty n-now", he said tearing up.

"Baby just let it out you'll feel better I promise you are still not potty trained, and right now you're too small for me to help you. Can you do it for Dada bubs."

He covered his eyes and let out a fart I almost let out a laugh. He saw me and his eyes started to tear up more, and let out small sniffles.

When I was about to apologize I heard the diaper crinkling.

I looked at him and he had his eyes shut while he was he was lightly grunting.

(What am I writing I'm sorry guys I'll never write something like this again🥴)

I then looked away giving him his privacy, he finished around 3 minutes, then he started crying again.

"Shh calm down your such a good boy look at you, you did it. I'll change you don't worry." I told him.

I carried him upstairs and took him to the nursery, that he doesn't sleep in.

I put him down in the changing table.

I took off his diaper almost gagging I threw it away quickly then started cleaning him, it was a little hard as he kept moving around.

But I still put him in a new and clean diaper, I started to kiss his tummy and to tickle him. He started to let out a full laugh, and that's when I realized.

How much I really love him, who would've thought about me changing a diaper in another person that isn't a real baby.

I have done more things for him that I would do for even a family member.

I know he might not feel the same way but it doesn't matter, meanwhile I can still baby him and take care of him I would be happy.


Never writing something like this anymore!!! I tried guys but I guess this type of thing isn't my thang!🤪

Another chapter hopefully you guys like it.

And question do you guys know some remedies for stress?

I'm now getting stressed over the littlest things and it's just messing with my help so if you know tell me please🙏🏽

Thank you guys

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