I love you

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Taehyung pov

2 weeks has passed by and now Jungkook is healthy again. I don't have to change anymore diapers which I'm kind happy about.

So now because Jungkook has been a good boy and had taken all of his medicine I was going to reward him.

I asked him what he wanted and he only responded with "Minnie play".

So I called Hobi and asked him if he could come over with Jimin so they could have a play date.

So now we are here Jungkook and Jimin are playing in his room. What really caught my eye was that Jimin was wearing a dress.

But I decided to not say anything.

"So how are things going with Jungkook" the sun asked me.

"It's good he's finally healthy again so I don't have to change more diapers, but I got to say I miss him in baby space". I said pouting.

Hoseok laughed and then told me mockingly "The Kim Taehyung missing changing diapers who would have thought this day has come, wow you really turned soft didn't you".

"Whatever, look I kinda need your help". I asked him

"Ok fire away"

I rolled my eyes but still proceeded "Have you told Jimin that you love him"?

"Yea many times why"

"But do you mean it, like I know you're with Yoongi so are you guys like a throuple". I asked

"Wowwww I haven't thought about it that way, well I guess we are I mean he has gotten in heat and we help him basically we all share each other. And I know that Yoongi loves him too he has said it before but I guess I must talk to them about this. Thanks dude you really cleared my head". He said laughing at the end.

"So what about you".

"What about me" I answered teasingly

"Are you guys a couple".

I let out a big sigh and said, "I want to, like I really love him I would do anything for him but the problem is that he has a mind of a child he hasn't grown up from. I don't think he will understand my feelings or even what a couple is."

"I feel like he will, be patient I mean he isn't leaving your side any time soon just tell him and make him understand with good signs obviously don't be rough on him."

I smiled and said, "And that's why your my best friend"

"Ahh stop your making me blush" he said while grinning.

We stayed talking for about 2 hours he later had to leave as he works night shifts, so he left with Jimin. Leaving me with a sad Jungkook.

To cheer him up we went to watch a movie, he wanted to watch "The little mermaid" so that's what we did.

We were cuddling while eating popcorn, well more like me feeding both of us, but it was fine.

Later Jungkook tugged on my shirt, "What is it baby" I asked

"Dada K-koo koo dwess" he said looking down. I really didn't understand him so I asked him to say it again.

Which was a BIG MISTAKE I forgot how frustrated he gets about talking correctly he started to cry and sob really loud.

"Hey bubs calm down I'm sorry I just wanted you to repeat it".

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