Back with him

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Taehyung pov

I was waiting for him to wake up I started to debate in weather I should wake him up or just let him rest. I decided to just let him rest I don't know how he would react when he sees me. He might be angry, happy, or sad so I decided that the best option was to let him sleep before he does anything drastic.

I was holding his tiny hand while admiring his beauty. "I'm so lucky in having him" I thought to myself. I also made him a promise it was the time when we made love while he was in heat. I promised him that I would never leave him no matter what, and I will forever keep that promise.

I was lost with my own thoughts that I didn't noticed him wriggling around and waking up until I heard that beautiful voice that I love.

"Dada i-is you" he said while sitting up and rubbing his eyes in a cute way.

"Yes baby it's me I'm back" I said softly. I then waited for him to adjust from just waking up from his nap once he did he only stared at me.

He then reached out to touch my face and for about a minute he kept doing that, this was definitely not the way I thought he was going to react. But later when he stopped I saw tears on his eyes and that's when he broke down jumping on top of me and crying against my chest.

It startled me for a bit but I kept my composure and hugged him back tightly while rubbing his back and whispered sweet words into his ear.

~10 minutes later~

He stopped sobbing, but was still whimpering and was still shedding some tears. I was jumping him on my lap and giving him butt pats while kissing his cheek every five seconds.

3 minutes later he finally stopped crying and now he was just clinging to me tightly afraid I'll leave again we were in a perfect silence until his stomach started growling.

"Are you hungry bubs" I asked while chuckling. He nodded with a blush on his face.

"Let's get you something to eat, but before that can you get off of me first" I asked him but he immediately whined and got even closer to me which I didn't even know it was possible at this point.

"Ok then" I muttered I then stood up with him on my arms clinging to me like a koala. I went down the stairs which believe me it was not an easy task. Then I finally arrived to the kitchen, Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jimin were all down there eating.

When Hoseok saw me he smiled at me and quickly started to get Jungkook a plate. Once Jungkook saw the food his eyes started shining.

I immediately started feeding him before he got fussy. He then started to eat happily and after 4 plates he now wanted his bottle. So then I carried him to the living room and cradled him while feeding him his bottle, and finally after 3 bottles he was finally full.

I saw his eyes started to close but he would immediately wake up and cling more into me. It was already 6pm but because of all the crying he was tired. He later fell asleep on my arms so I carried him back to the guest room. I quickly tugged him in and kissed his forehead while slowly and quietly I left the room. I went downstairs again now to talk to Hobi, Jimin was playing dress up with Yoongi while Hobi was waiting for me in the kitchen.

We sat there both in silence until he broke it "So are you going to tell me now what happened" he asked.

I took a deep breath and told him everything, about how happy I was at the beginning seeing my family. I told him about the party and about Lisa even about the flirting and the kiss. When I told him that I saw how he clench his jaw and looked at me with a disappointed look.

I told him about the "arrange marriage" and about me coming out to them. My eyes started to shed some tears when I told him about how they reacted and why I had the cut on my lip. At this point he was also crying with me, he just couldn't believe the way they reacted.

He then quickly hugged me and we stayed like this for some time. It was then ruined by Yoongi, "Woah what is going on in here". We both broke the hug and Hoseok giggled a bit while muttering a small "idiot".

Yoongi then saw our blood shot eyes and immediately got worried "Are you guys okay, what happened"?

"Tae came out to his parents and it just reminded me about the time I also came out and I guess we just got a bit emotional" Hoseok explained.

"Guess that's how you got that cut on your lip huh" Yoongi asked me. I only nodded while looking down.

He once again broke the silence by saying "If it makes you feel better when I told my parents I was gay my dad beat the shit out of me sending me to the hospital while my mom just encouraged him to continue".

Both Hobi and I started at him with wide eyes unable to process what he just said.

"Oh my god baby you never told me that" Hoseok said while quickly standing up to hug him. Yoongi only shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Point is if someone doesn't accept you the way you are just get rid of them they are not worth it just live your life the way you want to live it". Yoongi said.

I smiled at him and thank him, later we were all startled when we heard Jungkook crying.

"Seems like someone is not happy" Yoongi said while chuckling. I laughed while nodding while making my way upstairs.

Once I opened the room Jungkook immediately made grabby hands while sniffling. I mentally cooed and went over to him. I laid down because I was now tired but he immediately crawled to me and got on top of me. I chuckled and hold him softly by his waist while kissing his forehead repeatedly.

"Can daddy get a kiss" I asked him while puckering my lips a little bit. He giggled softly and then asked "Boo boo" while pointing at my lip cut.

"You won't hurt me baby don't worry about it" I reassured him. He looked skeptical at first but then started to peck my lips repeatedly while being gentle so it won't hurt me.

"Gosh what would I do without him" I thought to myself, there is definitely no better place than being with him. At this point I realized I didn't need my parents to call something home I only needed HIM and I'm so glad I'm finally back with him.


I honestly don't know how well I did in this chapter if you guys don't like it don't worry I will definitely do better.💜

Also I just got a whole week out of school !!! So I will take that as in advantage to upload hope you guys like it. 💜

Another thing guys we just hit 28k reads!!! That is so awesome I have no idea how people are even reading this. But all jokes aside if you are still here even after reading Accident and Sick pt 2 you guys are the real mvp's. 💜✊🏽


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