Jungkook's past

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This is basically a filler chapter, many of you are curious about Kookie's past so this chapter will tell you.
*Violence only a small part!
This is going to be a long one!
(Grab your tissues)

3rd person

When Jungkook was born both of his parents loved him and were happy thinking that they're small family was now complete. They lived in a small cabin in a forest. Both hybrids being black bunnies were a bit confused when Jungkook appeared to be a white bunny but they still loved him dearly. Sadly it all came to an end when Jungkook was taken away from his parents at the age of 5.

He was not the only one they took they also separated his parents, his mom who would also be sold and his dad who will be taken to the scientist so they could learn more about them.

Jungkook doesn't remember much about his parents he doesn't even remember his faces but he does remember their voices. The only thing he remembers about that day was all the crying and when they threw him in a van where there was a lot of of other hybrids children crying too. From that day everything changed, he never knew where the van was headed to, he only remembers that it took 3 whole days for them to arrive.

When they arrived he saw a big building that seemed to be connected to other buildings. The place was enormous and once they got inside the gate, they stopped and started to take out the children.

Everyone was crying Jungkook was just shaking, all of their hands were tied and they knew that if they even tried to make a run for it it will end up badly. Once they all entered they released their arms and made them change into what looked like pajamas. Each pajama had a number and a letter Jungkook was M62541, once they were all changed a person will come and take them away. In Jungkook's case a women came and took him to a closed room.

She started to then examine him and writing stuff down. She did a lot of stuff for example checking his teeth, pulling and grabbing his bunny ears and tail, she even pinched him to see his pain tolerance, she measured his height along with his weight, it was basically like a physical check. Once she was done she called a tall and muscular guy she told him that he was now ready to be escorted to the "rooms".

If only Jungkook would've known how much he will hate it. Once they arrived to the bottom floor where the "rooms" supposedly were, Jungkook was shocked.

It was a big room it looked like a hallway in there, there was thousands of cages and every single one was occupied by a hybrid. The hybrids all looked young from ages 5-10 at least. Some were screaming, some were crying, and some were just sleeping.

Jungkook started to shake and let some tears fall out of his eyes. Poor bunny was scared he only wanted to be with his parents, they never did anything wrong why were they doing this to them. It felt like hours walking down that hallway until they finally made a stop. In front of a small cage and in that cage there was a strap which had,

Jeon Jungkook
Age: 5
Type: Bunny hybrid, pure white
Blood type: A
Height: 109.2 cm
Weight 40.5 lb

The man then opened the cage with a key and told Jungkook to get in. Jungkook then bent down and crawled his way inside the cage, once he was fully inside the man immediately closed it and locked it.

The cage was small he could lay down but he wasn't able to stretch his legs the only way he could lay down was in a fetal position. Later when they came to feed them it was in a bowl with no utensils. Everyone had they're own two bowls one for food and one for water. They were all treated like animals even if they were also human. It seemed like they just didn't see that. Every week they would let them out of their cages for three hours, some would immediately crawl others would try to walk in Jungkooks case he would only stretch and move his legs around.

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