Chapter 2

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I jumped up and almost fell off the bed. Running out of my bedroom, I entered the hallway and that's when I stopped sprinting. I didn't want to knock anything over, would I?

The hallways were all the same. They all had dark shiny flooring, the walls had a dark wood border and wood panels came up half way up the walls. On the other half on the wall, there was a solid marron painted there. Here and there were splotchs of colour from where I drew pictures on the walls or floor when I was really bored.

Boring bland paintings covered the walls, but one stood out to me. The painting was of my dad and a tall towering man with big muscles. He had brown hair and had a little bit of stubble on his chin. But what was weird was that he was smiling. Dad never smiles with anyone else other than me. And evey time I asked, daddy would change the subject.

Then I noticed that there was a little name at the very bottom of the frame.

'Silco & Vander'

"So I guess they were friends? I wonder what happened to you," I asked the painting as I continued to stare at them. After a while, I got bored at looking at the painting and obviously not getting a reply so I skipped off to the training room. But since it was really far as in like the other side of the building, I started walking instead. And on the way, I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge as I passed the kitchen.



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