chap 10

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Kirishima had finally gotten home and walked up to his apartment door, he could smell a faint scent coming from the cracks of the door. Kirishima pulled his keys out and unlocked the door and as he slowly opens it a wave of pheromones hit him in the face. Kirishima quickly stepped in shutting the door, Kirishima alpha instincts where on full drive after smelling that his mate is in heat.

"Shinsou I am home," Kirishima said walking through the halls and towards their bedroom.

"Alpha, Alpha," He could here his mate moaned from the crack door.

Kirishima stepped closer and could see that his mate had made a nest and was only in one of his long sleeve shirts and was playing with his bottom. Kirishima had pushed the door opened having it creak startling the omega, and having him do a low growl.

"Shinsou," Kirishima said dominant.

Shinsou stopped growling.

"Kiri," Shinsou said his hair sticking to his face and a bit of drool in a dazed state from his heat.

Shinsou crawled to the end of the bed and started to unzip Kirishima's pants.

"I want you Alpha," Shinsou said.

"Before I give you what you want you know what I want to see," Kirishima said having Shinsou look up at him.

Shinsou had nodded his head and went to the dresser opening one of the drawers and pulled out a rope. He began tying knots around his body and with some help from Kirishima Shinsou was completely tied up.

 He began tying knots around his body and with some help from Kirishima Shinsou was completely tied up

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"You aren't getting any sleep for about 4 hours, are you prepared for that?" Kirishima asked.

"Yes, Alpha, just hurry up I can't take it," Shinsou said with his legs tied up and open.

"No rush you will definitely get fucked my cute omega," Kirishima said caressing Shinsous face and giving him a kiss.

Kirishima could hear Shinsou's sweet moans and how soaking wet he was getting from just the making out alone. Kirishima picked up Shinsou and plunged his shaft right into his omega, Shinsou back had curved in and came. It took four to five hours for Shinsou's heat to finally calm down, Kirishima had untied him and they were both laying in the bed, Shinsou head laying on Kiri's chest.

"Don't forget to take your medicine," Kirishima said.

Shinsou nodded his head sleepily, "Ejiro, I will be leaving tomorrow, since my father had requested me, and I don't know how long I will be gone," Shinsou said with eyes still shut.

"It can't be helped then, just call me when you get there and when you are coming back," Kirishima said hugging him tightly.

"I will, tell the others to not have to much fun at the Christmas get together while I am away," Shinsou said.

"We'll see, you know some of them are party animals," Kirishima joked.

"Yeah, more like wild animals, but for now let's get back to sleep," Shinsou said cuddling up to Kiri. . .

At the hotel Bakugo started to stir awake he squinted and looked around the room to see that he was the only one there.

"Shitty Alpha, Shitty Alpha, Deku," Bakugo called out but got no response.

Bakugo blood began to boiling, he can't believe he was left alone in a hotel with his heat barley calmed down.

"That fucking shitty ass alpha, how dare he leave and not say anything, he is dead when I see him next time," Bakugo said slowly getting up he took a quick shower and put his clothes on stepping out the room at the same time as Denki.

"Oi, did your shitty ass alpha leave you too," Bakugo said fuming with his hands in his pockets.

Denki scratched the back of head with a weary smile, "I guess so," He said.

"We are definitely going to make them pay, let's get going," Bakugo said as they took the elevator down.

"What song are we doing for the Christmas gathering that's in three weeks?" Denki asked.

"I don't know and I don't really care just ask Jiro she comes up with the shit," Bakugo said waving down for a taxi.

"Since its Christmas, maybe I can suggest some Christmas music, we can perform," Denki said.

"Whatever it better not be lame," Bakugo said.

As taxi finally stopped infront of them.

"I will see you at the studio once our heat is over, text Jiro to let her know we won't be there for a bit," Bakugo said and left in the taxi home.

Three weeks had gone by fast and it was finally time for the Christmas gathering at "FatGums Bar and Restaurant," everyone was dressed in there Christmas sweaters and outfits either drinking or eating.

"Midobro good to see you here where is Shoto?" Kirishima asked walking up with a two beers in his hand passing one to Midoriya.

"Little bro and Keigo are filming at the moment and haven't made it back yet," Dabi said walking in with his leather jacket and Chatiel close by with Sero in a head lock.

"See you two are goofing off were is Mina?" Midoriya asked.

"Mina said she wasn't feeling good, had been throwing up the whole morning," Sero said.

"Was it because of her heat or did she just eat something bad," Chatiel said.

"I don't remember to much after that incident, but could be the food we ate didn't sit well with her," Sero said.

"Well hope she gets better," Midoriya said.

"Yeah and we will record your performance for her," Kirishima said with a wide grin.

"Maybe you made her sickso she couldn't see your whack ass performance, " Chatiel joked.

"That's it you are gonna get it now," Sero said revering the headlock and they both began to bicker in spanish again.

"Those two are like children," Dabi said.


"Woohoo, yeah, wooo," The crowd shouted and clapped.


Three people walked up on the stage they had on Christmas sweaters and they were tuning there instruments and warming up.

"Oh isn't Kaminari and Bakugo who came to the tattoo shop," Sero said free from Chatiel headlock.

"Where Chatiel?" Kirishima asked.

"She went to the bathroom, wheres Dabi gone," Sero said.

"He got a call and took it outside to also smoke as well," Midoriya said.

"Well he gonna miss out on the opening act," Sero said.

"I am pretty sure he wouldn't be that interested, anyways Kiri where's Shinsou," Midoriya said.

"He was called out by his father, and should be back soon," Kiri said taking a swig out of his beer.

"I guess we are both dateless at this Christmas gathering," Midoriya said also taking a swig both of them leaning against the wall staring at the stage.

The lights dimmed and was on the performers, Kaminari went up to the mic with guitar in hand. The music came on and they began to play and saw Bakugo starting on the drums with Jiro guitar playing. Kaminari began to sing the Christmas song which everyone knew and was singing along and enjoying the performances.

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