Chap 9

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While Midoriya went to his room Kirishima had opened his room door, and truck of pheromones hit his nose. He quickly shut the door and looked at Kaminari who was tied up and blind folded, with a vibrator inside and his shaft dripping pre-cum.

"Ejiro ah, um," Kaminari moaned.

Kirishima walked up to Kaminari and gripped his chin.

"Who gave you permission to call my name," Kirishima said his dominant side coming out.

"Ah mhm, sorry Kiri," Kaminari said.

"Call me Master," Kirishima huskily said in Kaminari ear.

"Yes master," Kaminari said wiggling around.

"That's a good omega," Kirishima said and began to kiss Kaminari neck as he rubs his shaft slowly teasing him and licking his neck.

"Master, please let me cum," Kaminari pleaded.

"Beg for me some more," Kirishima said.

"Please alpha, let me cum," Kaminari said.

"As you wish," Kirishima said and stroked Kaminari faster and bit into Kaminari shoulder.

The shock made Kaminari cum and pant like crazy.

", uh more please," Kaminari said.

Kirishima pulled away and looked at Kaminari who was drooling and had blood dripping down his shoulder from the mark Kirishima made.

Kirishima head was hurting from the pheromones and looked at him self in the mirror to see his eyes were glowing gold.

"Shit, I almost let myself get out of hand," Kirishima said covering his face.

He took three deep breaths and pulled his pocket knife out and cut Kaminari bondage off and took his blindfold.

"I am sorry Kaminari I can't stay in here or I will not be able to control myself, the room is paid for," Kirishima said facing the door about to leave so Kaminari couldn't see his eyes.

"Wait, please don't go, alpha," Kaminari said reaching out his hand.

"I am sorry," Kirishima said and left out the room leaving a flabbergasted and horny Kaminari.

"I hope Midobro is okay, I will text him that I am heading home, I am pretty sure Hitoshi misses me," Kirishima said pulling his phone out and send a quick text to Midoriya.

Kirishima looked at the time on his phone and saw it was about 6 am, so he will call for a taxi to pick him up and take him home as he goes down the elevator to the front of the hotel. . .

Midoriya finally was able to slightly calm himself from the cold shower, he dried himself off and put his clothes back on. He saw that he got a text from Kirishima about 30 minutes ago, Midoriya saw that it was about 6:30 am, so he quietly opened the bathroom door to see that Bakugo was napping. He took that as his chance to slip out since he still in a rut and doesn't want to do anything to the sleeping omega. He slipped out of the door and went to the parking garage to drive Sero car home.

It took Midoriya about an hour to get home he parked the car and walked in the house to see Shoto standing in the hallway arms crossed.

"So where have you been?" Shoto asked.

"Not right now Shoto I am exhausted," Midoriya said hanging his jacket up.

"Were is your motorcycle, and why are you driving Sero's car, you also have a lot of omega pheromones on you," Shoto said one after another.

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