Chap 3

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In this story Mina has normal tan skin and not pink skin and everyone else also have human features no quirks.

Bakugo pov

"Uh, my tongue is feeling tender, and I can't eat anything solid, so I guess I will make myself a smoothie," I said scratching my head.

I took a quick shower and put my black shirt with a white skull, and my black ripped up Jean's, with orange and black boots, and leather jacket. I made my smoothie and heard a knock on the door grabbed my drink and keys and walked to the door.

I opened to to reveal Kaminari standing like a doofus.

"Yo Bakugo ready for morning class," Kaminari said.

"Not really, and our photo shoot is around 1 pm," I said locking my front door.

"Yep, so let's go to class, you know how our professor can be if we are late, " Kaminari said.

"Yeah don't remind me," I said drinking my smoothie.

"I see you made a smoothie for breakfast," Kaminari said as we walk to my car.

"Of course my fucking tongue is tender as fuck from the piercing, " I said getting in the driver seat.

"That's true I ate some bread so my tongue wouldn't hurt," Kaminari said getting in on the passenger side.

"What the hell, why are you getting in my car dunce face," I said.

"Awe don't be like that it's better to just go together and, Jiro is borrowing my car since she crashed hers," Kaminari said.

"Doesn't she have a stupid rich girlfriend why can't she just beg her to buy a new one," I said starting the engine.

"That's what I said to her," Kaminari said.

"and," I said looking at him.

"She punched me in the stomach, saying for me to mind my own business and took my keys," Kaminari said looking out the window.

"Pffttt hahahaha, wow, what a fucking loser Dunce face," I said laughing hunched over the steering wheel.

"Don't laugh let's get going before we are late, Mr. Aizawa is not going to like us late," Kaminari said.

"Shit your right hold on," I said and reversed out of my parking spot and drove out of the parking garage to the university.

We got here so fast that we had time before our 8 am class started, I parked my car and finished my smoothie and left the cup in the car.

"I thought I was gonna throw up my bread from how fast you were driving," Kaminari said stumbling out the car.

"Shut up we are here aren't we," I said.

Then two loud motorcycles came by and parked next to my car. The first guy got off and pulled his helmet off revealing red hair and the person behind him also took his helmet off revealing purple hair.

"Oi its sleep bags," I said.

The guy heard and look at my direction with a displeased face.

"Oh it's you Katsuki Bakugo," Another male said standing up he pulled his helmet off to show long curly green hair.

"Um, h-hi, Deku," I said.

"Izuku Midoriya," He said.

"What," I said.

" Izuku Midoriya is my name," He said.

"Oh okay well I like Deku better,"  I said.

"Hmm suit your self," He said putting his bag over is shoulder and walked away.

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