Chap 14

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(If there is anything in this chapter that makes you uncomfortable you can skip that part but other then that enjoy. )

Midoriya pulled up to the tattoo shop, where Kirishima was outside waiting his back against the wall.

"Hey man what's going on?" Midoriya asked.

"Let's go inside first," Kirishima said.

Midoriya nodded his head and unlocked the tattoo shop both stepping inside. Midoriya had locked the door and sat down in a near by seat, quietly waiting for Kirishima to be ready to speak.

"I just found out I have a son," Kirishima said leaning back against the chair.

"Congrats, Shinsou is pregnant," Midoriya said.

"Yes, but we don't know that baby's gender, I am talking about another child I have," Kirishima said.

"You have another kid from who, how old?" Midoriya asked.

"Well I dropped Kaminari off to his parents house and when the door was answer a kid appeared and he looked like me, and he was around 4, I believe," Kirishima said.

"So you are saying you got Kaminari pregnant, when did that happen," Midoriya said very confused.

"I think it happened when we broke up, and I was out drinking," Kirishima said.

"Ah I remember you were out with some friends, and you told me you helped out an omega who was getting bothered by some alphas, you didn't tell me the part that you slept with that omega," Midoriya said.

"I don't even remember what happened that day, a lot of shit had happened that day, and I wanted to erase all of what happened from my memory," Kirishima said.

"So how are you gonna tell Shinsou," Midoriya said.

"I don't know, Midobro, I just found out I had a son, and that Shinsou is pregnant as well, it's a lot to process," Kirishima said stressed out.

"Well you are about to get even more stress, my mom just texted me, that my step father wants to talk to us," Midoriya said.

"Ugh, like right now," Kirishima said throwing his head back.

"Yes, like right now, we better head over there then, also where is your car," Midoriya said standing up and walking out the tattoo shop.

"I walked here," Kirishima said.

"Well get inside my car," Midoriya said he locked up the store and went to his driver seat and started the car.

It was a quiet ride as Midoriya drove to his step fathers hotel, they got granted to park the car in the garage. They went inside the hotel and went to the elevator to the very top floor which was the penthouse suite, there were bodyguards standing outside the room, not even acknowledging their presence.  Midoriya knocked on the door three times before it swung open to reveal his mother with a smile across her face.

"Zuzu, and Eiji," Midoriya mom said hugging the two boys.

"Hello Mrs. Yagi," Kirishima said.

"Your old enough to call me Inko," Midoriya mom said.

"Inko sweety I would like to talk to the boys, can you give us a bit," Mr. Yagi said.

"Okay but don't take to long I would like to eat breakfast with them before they leave," Inko said kissing Midoriya on the cheek before leaving the room.

As Midoriya mom left and the door shut the room went cold and was suffocating.

"So do you want to be called Mr. Yagi or Mr. Might or father," Midoriya spat.

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