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SPARKANT'S BACK      And I feel as if the song on the side/top fits this situation, if it'll work. (It never works for me) And there might be some swearing....   Slight spoiler, sorry if I make you hate Ryan from this chap. I'm not sure if I should write these in first or third person point of view...

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|           Jordan            |
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After witnessing that scene with Taylor and Lachlan, I couldn't control my anger. I shoved my fists into my hoodie pocket, and walked out of the mall, popping a knuckle every 10 steps. I shoved the glass doors open, and walked out the main entrance, scanning the now packed parking lot for my car. 

Keeping all my anger balled up without bursting into a screaming fit in my car was harder than it seemed at the time, but I tried to stay calm. I reached my destination; Ryan's house. I climbed out of my car, and slammed the door shut, ignoring the fact that I needed to lock it, and ran to the porch step. I took a deep breath, before pounding on the oak door. I heard the lock click, and soon enough, Ryan opened the door. Without thinking, I punched Ryan. He staggered back, and yelled in pain and shock. "What the hell Jordan?!" Anger flared in his eyes.

"It's all your fucking fault Ryan! Don't play dumb with me!" I yelled, and pinned him to the wall. 
"What are you talking about?" Ryan asked, holding his hand up to his cheek. 

"That Ant decided to break up with me because of you!" i yelled, and shook him to hopefully knock some sense into him. 

"Oh, that..." Ryan said softly, and placed his hands on my arms, and smirked slightly. "You expect me to regret that decision?" 

My jaw dropped. "So it was intentional?! You ass!" I pulled my arms away from his grip, and mentally debated if I should beat the living crap out of Ryan. 
"You want an explanation?" Ryan asked, and I glanced at him. "Ever since you started dating the little twerp, you've been ignoring us. So, I thought I would break you guys up."

I scoffed. "You must be really damn proud of yourself," I said in a slow and low tone. No response. Figures. 

"I just want you to come back to us, is that too much to ask?" Ryan tilted his head to the side a little, staring at me. 

"Well then, you made the wrong move to try and get me back. I'm not returning to you losers," I growled, and walked out of his crapshack of a house.

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|           Taylor             |
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I was at Lachlan's house after the stunt I pulled with him at the mall. I decided to stay over at his place for insurance that Jordan wouldn't find me. He already tried to call me about 3 times, but I ignored every call. "You shouldn't be so harsh on him, Ant," Lachlan told me when we were inside his house. "He wasn't the one that kissed the bastard, you know? If Jordan truly loved you, he wouldn't have said 'just piss off'." 

Lachlan let me use his shower, and I was pretty relieved. After all the stress I've been through today, I needed it. I stripped down, and stepped into the rather large shower, and turned the water temperature up to nearly scalding. I took a deep breath, and let the water run down my skin, making it turn pink due to the temperature. Shortly after I turned the water off, I heard a knock on the door. I pulled a towel off a hook on the wall, and wrapped it around my waist before opening the door, even though i was still soaked. As I suspected, it was Lachlan. He held out a t-shirt, sweatpants, and some boxers. I held the towel up with my left hand, and took the clothes from Lachlan with my right. "Thanks, I kinda needed those," I said quietly. 

"Don't worry about that," Lachlan smiled, and closed the door. My heart pounded in my chest, and I was red from embarrassment, although my skin tone returned to normal. I can't believe that just happened... 

"Thanks for letting me stay over," I told Lachlan during dinner. 

"It's fine, seriously," he said in response. 

I scoffed. "After what happened, you seriously expect me to believe your excuse, of 'it's fine'?" I asked. 

"What do you mean?"

I hesitated in giving my answer. "i know you still like me... Normal people wouldn't forgive something like that so easily." 

Lachlan chuckled. "I guessed you figured it out. Taylor, I just want you to be happy, weather or not it's with me, doesn't matter, and it's obvious Jordan hurt you."

'Well then, I hope you also forgive me for saying this, but you're a great friend. It just won't feel right if we were do date."

"It doen't matter, Taylor, I knew from the moment I was in the hospital that Jordan cared for you. And he's the jealous type, hell, he might try to kill me again!" Lachlan joked, and I oculdn't help but laugh. 

"Well then, if he does, I'll stop him," I smiled.

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|      Finished ^-^       |
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