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Haven't been updating as much as I thought... Probably because I've been playing Mortal Kombat X for hours on end... (The cowboy stripper and the floating babe is taking over my life...) And because I've been playing Mortal Kombat so much, my keyboard's keys are getting looser. This is also pathetically short. I need ideas. Feel free to message me. (Plz)

Jerome woke up to a ray of sunlight shining in his face, and smiled when he saw Mitch pressed up against him. Should I wake him up? Jerome asked himself. Jerome then brought his arm out from under the sheets, and poked Mitch's face repeatedly, until he stirred. (Forgot who was supposed to be the older one... I'm guessing Mitch) "What?" Mitch asked, rubbing his eyes.

"It's morning. Wake up," Jerome said softly, ruffling the Canadian's already messed up hair. 
"But I don't wanna!" Mitch complained, before he sat up. "So I called Sky while you were sleeping," Mitch said. "Told him about our relationship, thought an old friend deserves to know."

"You couldn't have waited a little more time before telling someone?" Jerome asked, staring at the other person. (Just realized that I screwed up the time in the story. Woops)
"You mad bro?" Mitch grinned.
"Yes, I very mad!" Jerome yelled, before tackling Mitch onto the floor before pulling a movie cliche, by kissing him afterward. 
"Cliche much?" Mitch teased after the short kiss.
"Did you not enjoy it?" Jerome asked, and got up off the floor before pulling Mitch up. 
"Nope!" Mitch smirked, and walked out of the room. Jerome frowned and faked being hurt, before following his boyfriend into the kitchen. "I hate you." Jerome mumbled.
"You know you love me," Mitch teased,  and threw a cushion from the couch before he reached the kitchen. 

Sorry it's so short, running low on ideas.

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