Fuel To My Fire (sparkant, merome, skylox, and setosolace)

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Randomness. A random lil story for me to write during my free time.



Here I am. Watching the school football practice for a big game. The only friend I have is Jordan Maron's little sister. Jordan, insists to be called captain. Calling him by his first name ment disrespect towards him. I am sitting alone, watching 'captian' lecture my only friend, Lindsy. 'its probably about me.' I thought, staring at the most popular kids in the school, which include 'captain' and Lindsy. Just thinking about them makes me want to cry. Always bullying me because of my former boyfriend broke my heart. So im basically the low life. However, the only person that doesn't bully me is Lindsy.

I was snapped out of my day dream, when the football landed in my hands.

"Hey, low life. Give us the ball." Xrpmx13 or Ryan, Jordan's main pal, said, glaring at me, his hand was outstretched. I put the ball in his hand without saying anything. Before I could react, his other hand, came flying towards my jaw. I fell back, clutching it in pain.

"Ryan! What the hell man?!" Lindsy yelled and ran towards me, helping me up. 'Captain' was right behind her, trying to pull her away from me. "are you ok ant?" She asked.

"No,"I could barely even say anything. 'Captain' grabbed her wrist, and pulled her away from me, his eyes burning with rage. Lindsy got out of his bone crushing grip, somehow. She glared at him, standing her ground.

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from him?" 'Captain' growled.

"You may be my brother, but your not my boss." Lindsy said in defense.

"why are you even defending him?"

"because he was broken once. He doesn't need to be broken again."

"That isn't much of an answer!"

"BEING FAMOUS DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE FREE RIGHTS, TO BULLY JORDAN!!" Lindsy yelled, enraged. Jordan glared at me, before walking away with his gang.

Fuel To My Fire (sparkant, merome, skylox, and setosolace)Where stories live. Discover now