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I woke up to my annoying alarm clock, which is just a beep that gets louder and louder. "come on honey, time to get to your new school!" My mom yelled downstairs. I groaned, and sluggishly changed my clothes, and limped into the bathroom. I yawned, and brushed my teeth and fixed my hair.....well....not really. It was my normal hair style, ruffled. I walked downstairs, seeing an empty table, free, of food.
"oh, you expected food, didn't you Mitch?" Mom asked. I nodded. "Well,I thought it would be a good idea for you to eat at school. Now get in the car, no butts about it." I rolled my eyes, and walked out the door, still half asleep.

We arrived at the school, in front of the dorms. I got out, and grabbed my bags from the trunk. My mom waved  but I ignored it, and she drove off.

I got to the tenth floor, to see supposedly a Jock and his little sister, talking. I gave them a warm smile, but the only one that returned it, was the girl. I walked to my room, almost forgetting that I had a roommate. I saw someone crying in the corner of the room. I threw my bags down, and walked towards the crying figure.
"are you ok?" I asked.
"No," he replied, looking up at me. He had brown eyes, and short brownish-blondish hair. He was wearing a plain green t-shirt.
"what  happened?" I asked.
"Bullies,"he replied, a slight blush formed on his cheeks.
"What about them?"
"They are the most popular group in the school, sometimes  picking on people that even talk to them. And....captain,"he said, saying 'captain' in pure disgust," is the worst. Always acting cool, wearing sunglasses indoors. all of the teachers love him."
"think I saw him with someone else in the corridor,"I pointed out.
"well better to stay away from him, but his sister is the total opposite from him, nice, and caring, names Jerome by the way."
I smiled, felling nervous. "Mitch. Names Mitch."

Fuel To My Fire (sparkant, merome, skylox, and setosolace)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora