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I woke up, remembering what happened yesterday. Ryan beat me up because i accidentally tripped and spilled water over captain's shirt. I mean, it's just a shirt! I just remembered that i have a new roommate today. I got out of bed, got my binder and books, and stepped outside. I have a habit of wearing day-time clothes to bed. I got to my first class, which i hate. Captain sits in my group, which is horrible. However, Lindsy sits next to him, and makes sure he doesn't get pissed, so that's good.

"Alright class, we have 2 new students. I expect you to treat them with respect," the teacher said, behind him where the new kids, one has a red and black checkered hoodie, and the other, who looked really shy, just had a white t-shirt. "So, this is Mitch,"teacher pointed to the one in the checkered hoodie, "And this is Ty," he pointed to the other one. "So, Ty, why don't you sit at sky's table, and Mitch, how about Jerome's table?" He pointed at our tables in the order he said. Mitch sat next to Jerome, and a deep blush colored his cheeks. Ty sat next to me, nervous, and looked like he was about to cry. "Hey," I welcomed him with a smile. He smiled back. The teacher creeped up on us. "Did you introduce yourselves yet?" He asked, an eyebrow was raised.

"," I muttered. The teacher just walked away then. "So, i'm sky, that's Lindsy and captain." I gestured towards them. Lindsy smiled, but captain didn't do anything. Captain got up, and dragged Lindsy out of the room.

"What's up with him?" Ty asked.
"I think he needs to talk to Lindsy." I told him.
"Is captain his real name?"
"No. He prefers to be called captain. calling him by his first name means disrespect to him."
"Oh. Well that's good to know."
"Yea. Guess so. And... Don't mess with captian or any of his gang."
"I won't. I trust you." He said with a smile. A blush formed on my cheeks,coloring them red. i smiled, shyly.

Well this is shorter than normal!

Fuel To My Fire (sparkant, merome, skylox, and setosolace)Where stories live. Discover now