Chapter 1:The Start Of A Bad Day

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It's the start of a new year at UA and I can't wait to see my friend Denki. I didn't hear from him all summer, but that's okay he probably was busy spending time with Jirou.

I'm happy he got her, she'll make sure he doesn't get in trouble or hurt using his quirk. He's lucky to have her to keep him safe and sound.

I walked into class and I noticed that everyone was glaring at me with a look of rage. "Why are you all looking at me like that?" I asked.

"DON'T ACT LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW YOU DAMN PERVERT. " Bakugou yelled. "Wha? What are you talking about I just got here?" I asked.

"Dude, we know what you did to the girls last year." Denki said. I looked down and frowned because I knew what they were talking about. " I know and I'm ready for the consequences."I said.

Mr. Aizawa walked towards me with red eyes and said to me "I've let you get away with your actions for too long now and it's time to hold you accountable."

"B.b.but I didn't get away wi-." But I was cut off. "ENOUGH!" Mr. Aizawa yelled, "You are hereby removed from Class-1A and will be put in Class-1B. You got one day to get your stuff out of your dorm and bring it to your new dorm in 1-B or I'll have your stuff thrown out do you understand?" Mr. Aizawa said.

"Y..yes sir." I said with tears rolling down my face. "Come on Mineta he didn't expel you and it's not like you've done anything to better yourself or do anything worth staying in here." said Kirishima, "Yeah, he's right, name one time you've succeeded in this class." Said Sero. 'What? Doesn't anyone remember me beating Midnight by myself' I thought.

I look at Denki with tears in my eyes as I asked, "We'll still hang out as friends right denk-?" But I was cut off again. "After all the things I heard of what you did, WE ARE NOT FRIENDS YOU USELESS, DISGUSTING, PERVERTED PIECE OF TRASH." Denki yelled.

{Mineta's Heart Breaks}

I stood there quietly in shock, my best frie- NO as my ex best friend said that to me. Rage boils in my chest as I looked him in the eyes as I say, "useless you say? Disgusting you say? Perverted piece of trash you say...there it is, your true colors." I said. Denki looks at me with confusion as if he wanted to speak, but I continue. "Lose a real friend it will crush my soul, but lose a fake friend it will set you free." I said as I turn around out the door.

" What just happened?" Asked Mina.

All right that's the end of Chapter 1 let me know what you think in the comments.

Chapter 2 will be coming soon.

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