Chapter 7: The Surprised Gifts: Part 2

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[With the girls at the dorms ]

(Uraraka POV)

I see both my friends crying so I went to them to comfort them, but before I could I saw a big yellow envelope with my name on it. I opened the envelope and the first thing I see is a note so I read it.

(Dear Uraraka: First off I hope you will accepted my apology for all the inappropriate things I've said and done that made you uncomfortable. I know you think this won't change a thing but I just want you to know that I'm sorry for everything. But let's get down to business as you can see there is a stake of documents in this envelope and you may think,"What does these documents have to do with me?" Well to answer that question I'll tell you, last year you told the Dekusquad the reason why you wanted to be a hero was because you want to help your family. So I bought your family's debt so you and your family can rest easily without worrying...Take care of yourself Uraraka and have fun your old classmate Minoru Mineta. )

My hands started shaking with happiness as tear rolled down my face, 'Were free, were finally free from this burden on our shoulders. Thank you, thank you so much Mineta.' I thought to myself as I hug the envelope for dear life.

I stopped hugging the envelope and pulled out the documents and the it was, the stamp of "Approved" on the first page. I grabbed my phone to call my parents to tell them what Mineta did. I'm so happy.

(Momo POV)

I see Uraraka on her phone with a big smile on her face while holding a yellow envelope to her chest. "I wonder what her gift was that made her so happy?" I asked myself. I look at the table and see a stake of books, five to be exact and on top is what looks like a wrapped up bottle of sorts with a note on it. I opened the folded note and start reading it.

(Dear Momo: I believe that you deserve this apology the most, and I think it's time you get it. You have been harassed by my inappropriate behavior for too long and I am very sorry for everything. So please except these gifts and hope you like them. As you can see there are five books and a bottle rapped, the books are all about Encyclopedias like the ones that I seen you read in the library all the time last year so I bought all the first editions so you can read till your hearts content. And as for the bottle it's from my wine cellar at my grandparents house I hope you enjoy it.Your old classmate Minoru Mineta .)

'OK I know this has to be a joke, there no way these books are the first editions and this is probably a cheap bottle of Grape juice or something. ' I thought to myself as I giggle about the ridiculousness of the hole thing.

I unwrapped the bottle and I couldn't believe my eyes as I said. "WHAT THE HELL?" I yelled as I try to process what I'm looking at, the bottle said, " Mr. M's Vineyard Wine, Grape Straight From The Vine," on it. I grabbed one of the books and turned to the front of the book just to see in big bold letters "First Editions ". "Ok he told the truth about the books and the wine but It's still not good enough to think he's changed but it's a start."I said to myself with a smile.

(Tsu's POV)

I smiled at some of the girls reactions to their gifts so I walked to the table and I see a big box with green wrapping paper with frog's on them. 'I guess this is for me.' I thought as unwrapped it and opened the box. My jaw dropped with a gasp as I saw my gift but before I picked it up I noticed a note attached to it.

(Dear Tsu: Even though me and you have been getting to know each other as friends I still have not properly apologized to you. I know I can't come back to the dorms but I just wanted to say I'm sorry, I'm sorry for what I did to you at the UAF and at the Training Camp it was inappropriate and I hope you accept my apology gift. I know you miss your family when you're at UA so I custom made you this frog plushie with a photo of you and your family, that way you will always have them with you so you won't be scared or worried. I'll see around Tsu hopefully everything will be okay. From your friendly neighborhood grape prev Minoru Mineta lol.)

" 'Sniff ', thank you Mineta and I already forgave you for what happened I hope everything will work out for you. " I said.

(Mina's POV)

I see all the girls with their gifts and it seems like they are happy with them, 'I wonder what I got as a gift.' I thought to myself as I walked to the table and see what looks six Dance Club passes with a note on them.

(Dear Mina: first I want to apologize for how acted you and the girls. It was immature of me and y'all don't deserve that and I know I can't come back to the dorms to apologize in person but I just wanted to say I'm sorry for everything. So please except this gift as an apology and I promise not to say or do anything ever again to you  but please go have fun with the girls and show them the real Dancing Queen is lol. Your old classmate Minoru Mineta. )

'You think that just because you got us these gifts that will just forgive you, wrong actions speak louder then word's Mineta and have a lot of things to do before I could forgive you but it's a start for now.' I thought to myself as I looked at the six Dance Club passes. "Maybe though just maybe you be a good enough guy to be friends with." I said to myself.

That's the end of Chapter 7, Chapter 8 will be coming soon and I hope you enjoy it and comment on the story.

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