Chapter 12: With In The Shadows

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Welcome to chapter 12 and I hope you will enjoy this new story, but enough of that let's get started. There will be cussing, drugs, and alcohol in the story.

{Downtown In Musutafu, Japan}

[At The League Of Villains Base]

(Shigaraki's POV )

"Grr, I can't believe this I've been come up with all these plan to take over UA and destroy those Heroes but they keep beating us at every turn." I said slamming my hand on the table. I soon realized I forgot my gloves because the table started to disintegrate. "Master Shigaraki that the third table this week, where are your gloves?" Kurogirl asked.

"Sorry about that I borrow them for a moment." Toga said as she waves her hand with my gloves on. "Wha- Toga give me back my gloves right now." I said with a agitated tone. "Oh come on, I just wanted to see if they fit me and to my surprise they do." Toga said with a big toothy smile. I'm surrounded by a bunch of idiots it's almost like they don't care. "Can you guy's at least act like villains instead of a bunch of teenagers coming back from a high school party." I said annoyed.

"Man I'm going on a smoke break right now. Be back in a few minutes alright don't decay anything while I'm gone." Dabi said as he was walking out the door. "YOU SEE, THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO BET THOSE HEROES IF I'M THE ONLY ONE THAT WELL TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY." I yelled with anger in my tone. "Hey it's not our fault that your plan's aren't working, they were great plan's but my Deku-kun is to strong. " Toga said with annoyance in her tone.

"She has a point Shigaraki we've tried everything and everyone including yourself but it's no use, I'm actually thinking about leaving the league and getting a job that actually pays." Twice said with his arms crossed. " WHAT, you can't leave your my bestie, if you leave, sniff, I'm leaving to." Toga said crying. "Aww don't cry how about this, if the next plan don't work you can move in with me how's that sound?" Twice asked with a soft tone in his voice. " m.mean it?" Toga asked still crying. "Of course I mean it." Twice said while hugging her.

You've got to be kidding me right now, am I hearing this right now. "Your joking right? You two can't just leave just because we lost a couple of times. " I said annoyed. "Actually I was about to tell all of you this sooner but now is the time to, Shigaraki you and your team have been a great asset to the league of villains but money is running low and we can't keep fighting these losing battles so you and your team have one last shot to bet the hero's and capture UA or The League Of Villains will be disparted. Do I make myself clear?" My Master said with a serious tone that also shocked me to the core. "Yes sir. " was all I said as I put my head down.

'I've got to come up with a plan quick or The League Of Villains is over.' I thought to myself as I walked over to the bar.

[Outside the league of villains bar]

(Dabi POV)

I was standing outside the door when I heard what the boss said. "So this is it one last mission or the LOV is no more, just fucking perfect (lights up a cigarette with his thumb)." I said while lighting my cigarette. 'Well all else fails I can always move back in with my family, the old is getting better and he keep my secret about how I am so far, plus he even got mom out of the mental hospital so there's that.' I thought to myself almost finished with my smoke break. I was about to go back in when I see a strange man walking down the sidewalk and the look in his eyes seemed promising.

(Pull out my phone and started texting)

Dabi: Hey Shiggy I see a strange guy a few feet away is coming our way and his eyes have hatred in them, clear the bar make it where there's no one there and I'll bring them in.

Shigaraki: Fine but I fucking hope his good this is our last shot so make this count.

Dabi: Roger that.

(Puts phone away)

I was about to go up to him until he stopped right in front of me and to my surprise he wasn't scared of me. "Hello Dabi." He said which caught me off guard. 'How does he know my name I've never seen him before, now I'm curious.' I thought to myself. "How do you know my name, I'm pretty sure we've never met. Are you a underground hero or something?" I asked as my flames start to flair out of my hand. " Oh please I seen you on my television and I know your that flaming idiot son Endeavor." He said which shocked me even more.

'No one knows I'm that old man's son so how~' my thoughts were cut off by him laughing. "Haha..Don't be so surprised kid, I knew you were Endeavor by that Quirk of yours. But that's beside the point, I was trying to find the league of villains anyway and running into you was a stroke of luck." He said with a smirk on his face. "Oh is that so? Alright how about you and me talk it over a few drinks?" I asked with a smirk on my face. "Deal first rounds on me and money no problem. "He said with the biggest grin I have ever seen in my life.

(We Walk Back Into The Bar)

"So you know my name but I don't know how you are. So before we start this, what is your name, your so called favor and most importantly your quirk. We might see if your worth listening to if you catch my drift (pours a drink and slides it to him) here you go bub." I said as I pour him a drink. "Thanks (pulls out his wallet) and here's the money for the first round."He said as he put a five hundred dollars on the bar. I gave him a confusing glare and said, "Ah sir the drinks are only twenty bill's." I said.

"Ah yes I'm fully aware of that (takes a sip of his drink) I also said I wanted to talk to the league of villains and I'm pretty sure your friends are thirsty (takes another sip of the drink) all right y'all can come out now I know you're there." He said with the most scariest grin I've ever seen. To everyone's surprise and mine he turn around and started talking. "Before we start my name is Obu Youmico and my quirk is called "Gravel". It allows me to control the Earth around me as armor and I can shoot stones out of my hands like projectiles." Obu said.

"You've got balls I'll tell you that but now your favor you ask of, state your business before Shigaraki decays you." Our boss said with a serious tone.

"Alright here's the deal, that fucking hero school is harboring a murderer in there hero circle and I tried to kill him, but my quirk wasn't strong enough to stop him so I came here asked for help to cleanse the world of those fake Heroes and kill that bastard who killed my brother so will you help me?" Obu asked rage in his eyes.

We all looked at Mr.Youmico for a few minutes and what surprised us the most was is what our boss said. "Deal, but if you failed you get no second chances I will destroy you and take your quirk away do I make myself clear?" Our boss asked with a serious tone.

"Deal, so how does this work exactly?"Obu asked curiosity.

Our boss walked up to him and put his hand on his head, red energy start coming out of his hands and started to surround Mr.Youmico body. All of a sudden the stones underneath our feet started moving towards Mr.Youmico and fuse with him turning him into what looks like a tall rock golem creature. "Now you have the power to destroy the hero's but don't get to cocky, before you go fight UA your going to train your new power. So for right now you will be training with Muscular. It will take a few months but it will be worth it." Boss said with the biggest grin I have ever seen in my life.

"So your not Mr.Youmico anymore so what would you like to be called?" Toga asked.

He looked around for a second and gave a big rocky smile and said, "I AM GOLEM. " He said in a deep voice. "Said goodbye hero's HAHAHA. " Shiggy said while laughing like crazy.

That's the end of Chapter 12, Chapter 13 is coming soon so comment in the comment section to tell me what he think of the story.

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