Chapter 8: Little Brother Mineta

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Thank you for 790+ readers now time to start this chapter and sorry if it taken awhile but enjoy.

(Mineta's POV)


"Ah, shut up already. " I said as I shutoff the alarm clock on my phone and I see I have fifteen minutes to get to class. "SHIT" I yelled as I got dressed and brushed my teeth and was out my door. As soon as I ran out my door I accidentally dropped into someone. "Sorry about that l wasn't looking were I was going." I apologized to whoever I dumped into.

"Well aren't you in a hurry little one, class doesn't start for another thirty minutes. " Said Pony who was standing outside the door in the hallway. "Thirty minutes I thought class started in fifteen minutes, why the extra fifteen minutes?" I asked with a look of confusing. "Oh right I forgot your not from 2B, you didn't know that Vlad let us have a extra time so we can get situated in our dorms."Pony said with a awkward smile. "Oh! Alright so mind by asking and I'm not meaning to sounding rude or anything but why are at my door?"
I asked. "Well to be quite honest I figured you'd be a bit lonely since all that happened so if you don't mind I would like to get to know you better if that alright with you?" She asked with a smile. "Okay that's fine. " I said as we started walking to class.

(Pony's POV)

"So you and your siblings live with your grandparents right now?" I asked curiosity. "Yeah it nice living there, my sister loves it and Ieku like it there because he can practice being a hero like me and mo..? He stopped himself before he could finished that sentence hoping I didn't hear that but he was wrong.

"What do you mean? You just said you and siblings live with your grandparents what happened to your paren..." But I was cut off when he said in a serious tone, "please let's just drop the subject okay it's not something I want to talk about." As I looked at him I could see it was bothering him so I said. "Sure, not a problem." As we continue walking to class, I decided to change the subject so I ask him, "So does your brother and sister go to any hero school or something?" I asked. 'I hope he doesn't get mad or upset for asking.' I thought with curiosity.  "Will yes and no?" He said as he scratches the back of his head. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"My baby brother is starting UA elementary school today and is coming here for his first field trip and my sister goes to business school and is getting her lawyers dagger." He said which caught me off guard. "What? I thought you and your sister are twins how is she in college and your not?" I asked confused. "Hahaha you think just because I'm here I didn't get college offers, before I came here I was offered ten different colleges to go to and the offers still stands for me to go, all I have to do is pick up my phone to call one of them and I'm gone." He said with laughing. "That's AMAZING but if that's the case why did go here instead one of those colleges?" I asked. It was quite for a few seconds until he finally said, "It's my dream to be a hero, but not the #1 hero but a hero for the unspoken and the unseen. I won't lie I still want to be popular and get a girlfriend but I realized only one of them is possible. " He said with a small tear in his eye.

I was shocked by that, 'does he think so little so himself,' I thought to myself. "Please stop talking badly about yourself, I get people called you perverted but your just sixteen what teenagers aren't?" I asked as I kneel down and wiped the tears from his eyes. He gave me a big smile as he said, "thank you so much Pony it means a lot. Let's get to class ok."so I followed up with and we made it to class with ten minutes to spare.

[With Class-2A]

(Mr. Aizawa POV)

I see my problem children all talking to Shinso, well except for Asui for some reason is staring at him with a look of disgust. "Ms. Asui can I talk to you in the hallway please. " I asked with frustration in my voice. With out saying a word she got up and walked into the hallway. "Yes Sensei?" She asked not really caring about what's going on. "Ms. Asui I'm guessing that what I said didn't get through to you yesterday, so I'll say it again you have treat him as a classmate and not a outcast. Do I make myself clear. " I said with a bit agitated.

  "Excuse Me," she said which caught me off guard, was my student really going to talk down to me? Before I could respond she cut me off, "But you of all people have no right to say that, when you first met Mineta you said to his face "everything that comes out of your mouth annoyed me, " I get some girls and even boys don't like the way Mineta acts, but for you to say I had treat Shinso as a classmate and not a outcast when you and almost everyone didn't do the same for Mineta."

I was last for word's at her remarks, 'was I really that cold towards Mineta?' I was last in thought that I didn't the UA Elementary school teacher standing next to me. "Ah excuse me but is this Class-2A?" He asked. "Oh yes and you must be Mr. Youmico from UA Elementary school right?" I asked. "Yes sir, and I brought the first and second years if that's ok." He said. I smiled softly and said it was fine as I walked into the classroom.

(Tsu's POV)

I see almost all the kids when I heard a familiar voice, " big sis!" Said Saksuki as she gave me a big hug. " Hey Satsuki it's nice to see you little sis, so how's your first day of school going and where's Ieku at?" I asked with concern in my tone because I didn't see him with the rest of the kids. She looked down like she was getting in trouble but then she said something that made my blood boil, "Mr. Youmico said that he had to stay on bus because this is a hero school and he was not welcome." Said Saksuki with tears rolling down her eyes.

'I couldn't believe it even his baby brother is treated so badly.' I thought to myself as I clench my fists. "Look sis you go into the classroom and I'll go get him Ok and if that teacher says anything about it, tell him to wait right there so he can talk to his big brother." I said with a serious face. "Okay sis I will." She said with a serious look on her face as well.

[In the classroom]

(Deku's POV)

I see the kids looking around for something and we couldn't figure out what until one of them said, "do you guys see him ? The first kid said. "I don't see him anywhere." The second kid says. "Hey Eri,  can you ask your dad were he is." The third kid said with a big smile. "Sure," said Eri as she walks to Mr. Aizawa. "Papa?" She asked. "Yes sweetheart?" He asked in return. "Where's Mr. Mineta at he promised to tell us me story of Class-2A. " she said which caught me and everyone off guard. "MR. MINETA?"

That's the end of Chapter 8, Chapter 9 is coming soon tell me what you think about this chapter and comment.

The next chapter will be intense because you will witness an anger Mineta so stay tuned

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