Chapter 6: The Surprised Gifts Part 1

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{With the girls in Class-2A }

(Tsu's POV)

I walked in the dorms after talking with Mineta and pulled out my phone to call the girls.

[Ring, Ring, ]

"Ah..hey Tsu what's up?" Said Mina with an concerned tone in her voice. "Not much just going to tell you and the girls that I just seen Mineta a few minutes ago "ribbit." I said with a happy tone in my voice. The phone was quite for a few seconds until she started up with, "really and is he mad at everyone or upset?" She asked with a little bit of shock/shame in her tone. "Not really actually, I mean not that I could tell but he's okay about it if that makes sense "ribbit." I said as I think about it. "What do you mean, "he's okay about it?" he got kicked out of 2-A and the dorms for nothing?" Mina asked.

"That not all,"ribbit" he even apologized to me about all the things he did last year to us and me "ribbit." I said with a smile. "Why didn't he say that in class, I mean he could at least tell us in person don't you think?" Mina asked with a confusing in her voice. Did she really just say that, out of all the dumbest things she could asked, but I stayed calm and said, "Mina, do you not remember what happened in class today "ribbit " how could he tell us anything when he was being screamed at and told to be quite?" I asked with a irritated tone. "I see your point Tsu, I guess it would be hard to say something when you're being yelled at." Mina said with sadness in her voice.

"Oh and by the way Mineta left us a gift before he went back to his new dorm. "Ribbit " I said a smirk on my face. "Really, I'll call the girls and tell them." Said Mina.

{Mina called the girls and told them that Mineta left them something..}

(All the girls are at the dorms now)

The girls see me at the dorms after ten minutes after talking to Mina which is impressive to me. I wave at them as they meet me at the door. "That was mighty fast, "ribbit " I just got off the phone with you not but ten minutes ago "ribbit." I said. "Hell yeah, I won't pass up anything free." Said Uraraka with a big grin. "She's not wrong one time a store had a free day and she ransacked the place to get groceries only because it was free."Said Jirou with the rest of the girls agreeing with her.

"Alright let's see what's in the dorms that Mineta left us, and I swear to God if it's something perverted I'm going to kick his ass." Said Jirou as she was the first to walk in to the blind. She gasp and tells the girls to come and look, so they did and there mouths drop when they saw  there gifts.

It wouldn't let me show the images so I'll tell you instead.

(Jirou POV)

Jirou gift was a her old guitar that Denki broke by accident when she tried to teach him how to play it, but it was fixed and better than ever. She was about to grab her present when she saw a note attached to it, she picked up the note and she reads it.

(Dear Jirou: if you are reading this it means you got your gift, I know me and you have not been on good terms with each other since that comment I made about you at the beginning of the first year of UA and I sorry about that and I know it wouldn't change after all I've done,. But the reason I didn't say anything perverted to you is because I knew Denki loved you and he was my best friend. So please except this gift as an apology and I promise not to say something to hurt you ever again.  P.S Please take care of Denki for me I know me and him gets fought but he's still my bro and when I see him happy with you I know he's safe and sound. You are the best girl that has ever been apart of his life. Now show this school the amazing Rockstar you are and take care. Your big fan Minoru Mineta. )

After l got done reading the note tears started to rolling down my face. 'He did care about me, he really did.' I thought to myself.

(Hagakure POV)

I see Jirou whipping the tears away after she read the piece of paper in her hands. I was going to ask if she was okay until I noticed a briefcase with my name on it with a note attached to the handle. But before I grabbed the note and start reading it, I opened the case and I let out a loud gasp. No one could see it but I was in tears when I saw my gift. I took the note and start to read it.

(Dear Hagakure: In all this time I knew you, I seen how far you come from when you started and so happy for you, but what I also noticed was through all this time I noticed that you don't have your own hero costume and so I decided to change that. As you can see this is a special fabric that will allow you to be visible from the neck down, but don't worry about it if you go back to being invisible again because as you can see next to the suit there's a special wrist watch that will allow you to stay visible with press of a button, you don't have to be invisible if you don't want to. So please except this gift as an apology and show the world the real you. See you around super star, your old classmate Minoru Mineta. )

I stood there after reading the note lost in thoughts. 'He made me my own hero costume, a real hero costume. I didn't think anyone cared about it and I didn't think it was possible to make one for me because I was invisible. But he did it, he actually did it for.'

"This is the best gift I have ever gotten.."sob".. Thank you Mineta." I said with tears my eyes.

That's the end of Chapter 6, Chapter 7 is coming soon. Comment in the comment section to tell me what you think.

And thank you for the 650 readers and I'm sorry for for taking so long but I am working on the next chapter so stay tuned okay.

A New Beginning (Minoru Mineta)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora