Chapter 10: Mineta vs Mr.Youmico Part 1

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Welcome to chapter 10, in this chapter there will be violence, and dark memories so enjoy the story.

[Previously with class 2B]

(Pony's POV)

I couldn't believe what I saw, the seriousness in his eyes it was so mesmerizing that I couldn't help but get flustered. I got up from my desk and went to follow him. "Ms. Pony where do you think your going. " Vlad asked with a confused tone. "I don't know about y'all but I sure ain't gonna miss this fight. Something big is about to go down and if y'all are just as interested as I am then let's go see it."I said with excitement.

Everyone looked at each other and got to followed her out the classroom even Vlad King followed."Hey is it me or does Pony look like she's blushing. " Monona whispered to Kendo suspiciously. "I noticed that to and I also noticed that she was taking to him this morning she was even blushing then." She whispered back.

I was about to say something but I was interested by a familiar voice. " MOVE YOUR ASS MR. YOUMICO." I heard from Class-2A. 'That sounded like Mineta.' I thought to myself. As we got closer we see Mineta walking out of Class-2A with a man with bunch of kids, the #1 Hero, Principal Nezu, Mr. Aizawa, and all of Class-2A. I see my friend Tsu and ran up to her to ask what going on. "Tsu what's going on, were are y'all going and how's that man that just left?" I asked.

"That man you saw a while ago is Mr. Youmico, him and Mineta are going to the training grounds to fight with Principal Nezu permission and were going to watch." She said with a smile. "But what did he do to make Mineta so ho..I mean make Mineta so angry?" I asked while correcting myself. She looked at me for a second before started giggling, "giggle..I like him don't you "ribbit." She said which made me even more flustered as I put my hand over her mouth.

"Shhh.. ok yes I kinda like him ok, but seriously why is Mineta and Mr. Youmico going to fight?"I asked curiosity. Tsu smile faded into a frown when she told us. " He hit Mineta's baby brother on the back with his fist so hard that it left a big bruise " croak" and he left him on a bus by himself with no one watch him,"ribbit. " She said. Me and almost all of Class-2B's blood was boiling, so I said smirking, "Well then, what are we waiting for, we got a fight to watch. "

[Time Skip To The Training Grounds]

(Mineta's POV)

"Alright this is going to be a one on one sparing match between Mr.Youmico and Minoru Mineta, the rules are simple fight till you drop or until the other forfeits."Said Mr. Aizawa with a small smirk. "I don't know about you guys but I'm my money on the teacher because I know what he did was wrong but this is Mineta were taking about his quirk isn't that good and it's easy money for us if we bet on the teacher." Said Kirishima as he holds up a twenty bill's in his head. Everyone but the teachers and kids put some money in a hat for the teacher except three who said they bet on Mineta. Those people were Tsu, Ieku, and Pony.

"Okay both state your name and your quirk." Said All Might. "My name is Obu Youmico and quirk is "Gravel" I can manipulate the stones around me as body armor and shot the stone like projectiles." Mr.Youmico said. "Well Mineta's fucked." Mina said with almost everyone agreeing. "My name is Minoru Mineta and my is Pop Off, it allows me to control how sticky the orbs on my head gets depending on my health." I said with a smirk on my face as I take off just one orb off my head.

"This is all I need." I said with a smile and everyone but one was confused. "Mineta take this seriously for once this is a fight you in." Iida said as cropped the air with his arm. I turned my head to look at them with the most darkest grin as I say, "Oh but I am being serious. " I said as I looked at them back up a little.

"HAHAHA that it that's your quirk, if that the case I'll let you have the first sh~." Mr.Youmico said with a cocky smirk but was caught off guard my orb hit him in the face and burst as it hit him. It hit him so  fast that it was like a blur. "Cough.. cough will it looks like your health is declining if all it did was turn in dust, HAHAHA my revenge on you for killing my brother three years ago will finally come true. " He said which caught me and everyone off guard, especially me.

"Three years ago?" I said as I started to remember.

{Flash back three years ago}

I was in junior high school around the age of thirteen with my twin sister, when me and her were walking home from school. "Are you applying for UA Minoru?" Minny said as she smiled at me. " I don't know we first was to got to get though the first year of junior hi..BANG!"I saying before me and Minny heard a loud gunshot coming from our house. We ran as fast as we can to the house, but when we got there the door was knocked open like a burglary and we heard our Mother's voice. "Please no I have a children." She begged.

Me and sis ran in and I pulled one my orbs off my head just in case.  When we got in the house we were met with the site of our father laying in a pool of his own blood and a trail blood led into the dining room. But when we got to the room we heard the second gunshot and the man that shot the gun was standing over our Mother's half dead body. I was so angry that with thinking of my safety I though my orb at the man and the orb burst into dust as he suck it in I lifted him up off his feet and crashed him from the in side out. We ran to our mother as she was struggling to breath and Minny was calling for the police and an ambulance to help save her. She pulled me and my sister close to say, " please promise to take care of yourselves, protect each other and please protect your baby brother for me, and my sorry we couldn't see you three grow up. I', I" She said as she take her last breath.

{End of flashback}

'So that's what's this is about, Revenge.' I thought to myself. "I guess it time to embarrass him in front of everyone." I said to myself with a big smirk on my face. "PREPARE TO DIE YOU DEMON. " Mr.Youmico yelled as he shot massive sized borders at me hoping to kill me. "MINETA GET OUT OF THERE." Pony screamed as I wink at her which caught her guard. As all the borders came crashing down on me, I heard Mr.Youmico laughing his saying he won but oh is in for surprise. "I WON, HAHAHA IT'S OVER THAT YOU GET FOR DESTROYING MY FAMILY. "


Tsu's phone started in her pocket and she was confused. She grabbed her phone and couldn't believe what she saw so she answered it.

"Hey Tsu what's up?" I asked.

"Mineta are you okay how are still alive with all those borders?" She asked confused.

"Simply but put me on speaker.?" I said.

[Mean with the others]

"Alright go get you money out of the hat plas the money from Ieku, Pony, and Tsu." Kirishima said. "Hey guys why is Mr. Youmico dancing like that?" Deku asked. (Loud whistle) every looked at Tsu with confusion. "Alright I'm putting my phone on speaker. "Beep" She said as she pressed the button. 

"Hey everyone surprised too hear from me?hahaha." I said as I started laughing.

"WHAT?" Everyone said except for Ieku

That's the end of chapter 10, chapter 11 will be coming soon, please comment in the comment section and tell me what you think.

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