Fallen Angels

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His wings are black! What does that mean? His wings are beautiful, but I thought angel wings were white. I don't know how to deal with this. I don't know how to respond. He needs to start explaining, and he better not give me any bullshit excuses.

Kyle retracts his wings back into his back and turns to face me. He stares for a second and then says "I know you have questions, so go ahead and ask them." I'm not really sure what to ask at first but finally I ask "Why are your wings black?" He just answers back and says "That is a long story." I just say "I would love to hear your story."

He starts talking and says "I'm not technically an angel...I'm a fallen angel. My wings turned black once I hit Earth's surface after being kicked out of heaven." I stare at Kyle, and right now I'm thinking of the worst possible things he could've done to get kicked out of heaven. As if he read my mind Kyle says "You are probably thinking the worst about me right now, but let me explain." I think I should let him explain.

I put on a blank face and tell him "Please tell me how you got kicked out of heaven." Kyle nods his head ok and says "I'll tell you, but I'm going to warn you right now that some stuff I'm going to tell you, might not be something you want to hear. If you want me to stop talking at any point just tell me and I will." I nod my head in understanding and tell him to start talking.

Kyle begins talking and says "As I told you, I am a fallen angel. Fallen angels are angels that have been kicked out of heaven for crimes that pose a threat to the angel race and the fates, or most of the time they are. Some angels deserve to get kicked out of heaven, others do not. I'm one of the few who didn't deserve it. I didn't really do anything wrong to get kicked out of heaven, I just wanted to be human. The fates saw that as a threat to their authority and sentenced me to life as a fallen angel. Fallen angels are always being hunted, always living in fear, and always have to watch their backs, that's why it is an ideal punishment for "corrupt" angels like me. Part of why I got kicked out of heaven was Chris, he didn't try to help me when the fates were thinking about how to punish me. One person on my side could've changed their minds and he didn't even try. Even after the verdict was passed he didn't try to speak on my behalf, my own brother abandoned me at the time I needed him most...Once the fates kicked me out of heaven and I fell to Earth my wings blackened, and ever since I've been wandering around from place to place trying not to get killed."

After Kyle is done speaking I cry. It's so sad what happened to him. It is even more sad that Chris didn't try to help him. I wonder why Chris didn't...I wish he was here so I could ask. I need to hear Chris's side of the story before I assume and point fingers at him just based on what Kyle has said. I have a feeling there is something that is being held back in Kyle's story.

Kyle puts his shirt back on and comes to sit next to me on the couch. He tries to pull me to him but I push his hands away. He puts his hands down and says "I intend to take you from Chris." I look at him shocked and say "Don't use me to get your revenge on Chris." Kyle shakes his head and says "That was my original plan, but now I love you and I'm not letting you go." My eyes like bulge out of my head and I say "What?" He pauses for a second and says "I love you."

What?! He loves me...How could he love me already? Why does he love me at all? I can't believe he said that he intends to take me from Chris. Who does he think he is? I wouldn't give up on Chris, even if my life was on the line, because I love him. Kyle can try and steal me all he wants but in the end I will pick what my heart wants.

I wipe my tears from my face then I ask "If it isn't too much trouble, could I have a some water? My throat is feeling a bit dry." Kyle nods his head and gets up. While he's gone I quickly get off the couch and run towards the door. I slowly open it and then close it lightly behind me. Once I'm out side I begin to run.

I stop once I see a park to the side. I slow my pace and walk towards it. When I'm inside I see that there are swings, I decide to sit on one of the swings. I begin swinging, and I feel the breeze on my face and start to calm down a bit. While swinging I start to think about everything that has happened today. This day has been the longest day of my life, I wish it would end but I'm afraid of what tomorrow will bring.

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