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Before I begin this chapter I would love to give a special thanks to HopesterChrisFish , & Jade_the_Miracle12 for telling me they love my story. I personally love to hear that people are enjoying my work, it makes me feel like I've accomplished my mission in writing. Please just remember that I love and appreciate all of you. Ok, that's all I had to say, I promise I'll stop babbling now and let you get to the story.

I sit in my room thinking about those two idiots downstairs. How could they be so stupid? Did they really think them fighting would solve anything? Violence should never be the answer, I should know my dad alway thought violence was the answer. I have all the scars to prove it.

I hear a knock at my door and I make no move to open it. I'm too pissed off at the moment to want to see people. Whoever it is doesn't take the hint and opens the door. I look up to see who has came in and see Will and Noah standing before me, I can't exactly take my anger out on them because they're both super nice so I guess that means I'm going to have to speak to them.

Will comes to sit next to me on the bed and says "We saw those two idiots downstairs and Chris told us to come up here and talk you down. I'm sure he feels terrible for fighting and making you upset." I let out a frustrated sigh and say "I know he probably does feel terrible and that Kyle probably does too, but that doesn't mean anything. They aren't sorry they started fighting, and they will probably do it again." Will sighs and says "You're probably right, but right now they need you to go back down there an tell them exactly what they need to hear right now." I snort and say "I'll tell them that they're being ridiculous. I mean, can't we all just get along?"

Noah clears his throat and says "I don't think that's an option." I look at him and ask "Why not?" He looks at me and says "Because your boyfriend and his brother both have feelings for you. Once emotions come into the equation nothing is ever simple and people don't think clearly, hence the fighting and why them getting along probably won't happen." I nod my head signaling I acknowledge that he's right and say "I know that. I just wish that it could be simple. I just want to be with Chris, the guy that saved me, and who I love very much. But at the same time I want to be Kyle's friend because he's been through a lot in his life and he needs someone there for him. That's why I want them to get along I want them both in my life, I want to share memories with both of them, I want to be able to help them both."

Will rubs a hand on my back and says "It isn't that simple, those guys need to work out their issues with each other. You can't change anything of they still hold hate towards each other." I nod my head knowing that Will is right. Will then says "We should go downstairs now so that you can give the two idiots a piece of your mind." I laugh and get off the bed, I can't wait to get downstairs.

I walk downstairs and I see the two idiots staring at me. Chris looks relieved and so does Kyle, they won't be so relieved when they hear what I have to say. I see that Liam and Derek are standing there too now, so that means I'll have to move this conversation somewhere more private. I walk up to Chris and Kyle grabbing both of their hands in mine and begin walking with them upstairs back to my room.

When we get to my room I tell them both to sit on the bed. They both sit down and look at each other with glares, this causes me to get pissed again and then I scream "You're both being ridiculous! You guys are brothers! You don't have any other family members but each other! It shouldn't matter what happened in the past and it really shouldn't matter what's happening now!" They both look at me shocked and I say "I'm not going to talk to either of you again until you realize that you're both being stupid and that you need each other." With that last thing being said I walk downstairs and outside going to climb up the tree by Noah's window.

After sitting there for a little while I hear voices and then I hear Will say "Monkey, please come down from the tree." I laugh and say "I don't wanna it's comfortable and being up here helps me think." I pause for a second and then ask "So, is Monkey my new nickname?" I look down Will, who smiles and says "Of course it is!" Will then asks "Are you gonna climb down?" I sigh and say "I know you aren't going to stop pestering me until I get out of the tree, so I guess I'll have to." I hear Noah laugh and say "Good thing you decided to come down, Will talks too much and it gets really annoying." I crack up laughing and I faintly hear a slapping sound. I start to climb down the tree and once I'm down I see Noah rubbing the back of his head and Will pouting.

I laugh at both of them and Will stops pouting and asks "What did the two idiots do this time?" I shake my head and say "I don't really want to talk about it. All I'm gonna say is that I'm not talking to either of them until they stop being so fucking stupid." Will nods his head ok and Noah asks if I want him to knock some sense into both of them and I quickly shake my head saying no to the idea. We start to walk back inside and as soon as we get to the door is see Chris and Kyle. They both look at me with sad smiles but I just brush it off and walk past them inside.

Once inside I decide to walk into the living room and watch a movie. I figured it would be a good way to help me calm down. I decide to put on a movie called 'Monkeybone' I seems funny so I decide it's a good choice. Once the movie starts playing I feel two people sitting down. I casually look over to both sides and see that Chris is sitting on my left and Kyle is sitting on my right. I quickly move from in between them and move to sit on one of the single seats.

I watch the movie for a little while and after laughing a bunch I start to get sleepy so I decide to get comfortable on the chair. I finally start to close my eyes and I feel something picking me up. My eyes shoot open and I look up to see Chris carrying me upstairs. I try to fight out I his arms but he won't let me so finally I give up. Once we make it to my room I feel Chris put my on the bed a let a small smile slip onto my face and start to doze off. I hear Chris start to leave but I put my hand out quickly and grab his shirt and quietly say "Please stay with me". I feel the bed dip and two strong arms circling my waist and then I fall asleep.

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