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I end up finding Brent and Jeffrey, thankfully decent in their room. I tell them I needed to talk to both of them. They look confused but don't say anything else, which I'm assuming means that they're all ears to what I have to say. I look at both of them and then I take a deep breath and say "Okay, so I need your help." Jeffrey is the first to speak and he asks "What exactly do you need help with?" I stare at them for a second and then say "I need you to help me escape this place." Jeffrey gasps in shock and Brent says "Do you have any idea what would happen to us if we helped you escape?" I just nod my head and say "I was hoping that if you helped me escape that you both would come with me. I don't want to leave you behind to face the consequences."

After a moment of silence Jeffrey speaks up and says "I will help you, I want to get out of here as much as you do. Austin treats us terrible, he usually makes us do things against our will. Like when Austin outted you to the whole school and I said that stuff to you, I didn't want to say any if that." I just nod my head and smile. Jeffrey looks at Brent expectantly and Brent says "I will not betray Austin like this, but if you want to leave then I will not stop you either." Jeffrey let out a little whimper and says "Brent, why won't you come with me? Do you not love me like you've been saying you do?"

Brent looks straight faced at Jeffrey and says "My one and only goal is to serve Austin. I am letting you go because I want you to have what you want. I will not be going with you though." Jeffrey slaps Brent and says "You are such an idiot! Of course I want my freedom, but it doesn't mean anything if you aren't there with me!" Brent starts to let his emotions show on his face, I can see how much it is breaking him to tell Jeffrey to leave without him. I know Brent wants to go with Jeffrey, but I think he is trying to stay behind to help us. If he stays behind he will sort of be our inside man protecting Jeffrey as much as he can.

I know that's what he wants to do, but I can't let him because Jeffrey loves him and needs him. I then disrupt the silence by saying "Brent, I know you want to stay behind to protect Jeffrey, but he needs you with him. It is a very heartbreaking thing to be separated from the one you love the most, believe me I know. So, please don't leave Jeffrey to experience that." Brent sighs and says "But it would be easier to stay behind, I could help you guys and make sure nothing bad happens." I sigh and say "It would be easier, but I'm not thinking about easier right now. I am thinking about how Jeffrey needs you and how I'm going to make you come with us, even if I have to drag you through that portal."

Brent chuckles a little when I say the part about dragging him through the portal. Then he says "I guess it can't be helped. I have to go with you guys, I would certainly not want to be dragged like a sack of potatoes." I laugh a little at what he says, and so does Jeffrey.

I stop laughing and say "As much as I am loving having a normal conversation and laughing with my friends, we need to go. We have to get the others and leave as soon as possible." The guys just nod their heads and I tell them to follow me. Jeffrey grabs Brent's hand and we walk out the door.

I quickly walk with them following me and make it back to Austin's room. When we walk in I find that Austin is awake. He looks up at me with a glare as I walk in. I flinch a little but I shrug it off. Chris stands up to greet me but I just shake my head and say "We don't have time, we have to start to leave." Chris nods his head and I watch all of them walk out before walking over to Austin.

I crouch down in front of him and put a hand on his cheek. I smile a little and say "I am sorry that I have to do all this to you, but I just want to be happy. I want to be with a man I love. I did love you once though, and I'm sorry if I hurt you by leaving. I don't expect you to give to give up trying though, because you are one stubborn demon." Some tears leak from my eyes and I quickly wipe them away before getting up and walking out if the room.

I see the guys outside and they don't say anything as I walk to them. I quickly grab Chris's hand tightly in mine and says "Let's get the others and get out of here." We walk past where Austin threw my ring and I shine some light there to find it. I see it gleaming in the light so I quickly grab and slip it on. I smile up at Chris and say "Okay. We can leave now." Chris smiles too and says "Let's go get the others and get out of this hell hole."

Kissed By An Angel (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now