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The picture at the top is kind of a representation of what a new character in this book looks like. I got a request from a reader and he asked me to put a new character in so I decided I would do it for him. He didn't really specify what he wanted but I hope he likes the new character. The characters name is Sage, he is 23 years old, he has sliverish grey hair, and dark blue eyes, his height is 6'2, and he is a demon warrior. Hence why he has the tattoos and the retractable claw blades. I hope you all love him!

Kyle finally woke up and he looked a bit apprehensive to talk to me. I think I would be too if one of my friends just turned into a demon and couldn't control their demon instincts. I decide to say "I know you were lying to Austin. I decided not to say anything because I wanted to save you and get out of here. I know I don't have control of my instincts and that you don't really trust me right now, but I am not a threat. Obviously I don't want to hurt you as a demon because my instincts would have taken over by now and I would be torturing you."

I hear Kyle laugh and ask "Do you think it would be possible to get me out of these shackles?" I shake my head and say "Sorry, you can't go anywhere until we come up with a plan or else they'll find out what is going on. Also I might have to beat you up a little so they don't suspect anything." Kyle looks at me like I've lost my mind and I say "It is the only way and you know it." He sighs and says "Fine. But we are going to have to do something other than punching. Ask one of the guards or someone for a knife." I look at him surprised and he says "It is the only way to make the torture look convincing, besides demons have the power to heal. It is usually used to trick humans into thinking demons are good." I nod my head and start to walk out the door.

I grab one of the candles on my way out and I walk into the hall and see a guy standing by the door. I tap his shoulder and he turns towards me with a menacing glare. I shrink back a little but then I ask "Do you possibly have a knife on you?" The guy says "If know what you and your boy toy in there are planning and I want in." I make a shocked face and don't say anything. He looks like he is starting to get irritated so I ask "Why do you want in?" The guy smiles slightly and says "I used to have a fallen angel girlfriend up there on the surface and I would like to get back to her." Before I can even reply the guy is pulling me away from Kyle and down the hall.

We make it to a room and he says "We are getting the knife." I nod my head and he opens the door. I look around to see a huge weapons room. He picks up one of the many knives in the room and says "This one should do nicely. It'll make a clean cut which will hurt a little less than most." I take the knife from him and say "Thank don't know your name." He takes off the hood he was wearing before and says "My name is Sage." I notice what he looks like without a hood and I see that his hair is a sliverish grey cut off just under his chin and he moves his hair from his eyes and I can see that he has dark blue eyes.

I stare at him for a second then I kind of let my thoughts slip out of my mouth and say "You have really pretty eyes." Sage laughs and says "If my girlfriend were to hear you say that she would get a bit jealous." I let out a laugh too and say "I was just stating a fact. Besides I don't need anyone else I already have a fiancé, whom I happen to love very much." I pause for a second and then I ask "Is there a way for me to control these demon instincts?" Sage nods his head yes and says "There is a special type of herb that most demons use it is called Rhodiola Rosea, also called Golden Root, Is a powerful adaptogen. This means that it helps normalize body functions, including the functions of the brain. Unfortunately the herb doesn't take away the instincts, but it helps control them."

Sage starts to rummage around on of the drawers in the room and then he pulls out something and hands it to me. I look at him a bit confused and he says "Take that it will help you control your demon side." I ask him "How do I take it?" He tells me and then I take it. I then look down for my engagement ring expecting it not to be there, but to my surprise it is. Did no one notice it? Deciding not to dwell on the reason it is still on my finger I tell Sage we should start making our way back to the room where Kyle is. He nods and we begin walking.

I am now currently back in thay room with Kyle and Sage is standing next to me. I move towards Kyle with the knife in my hand and I ask him "Where exactly should I cut you? I really don't want to hurt you." Kyle smiles and says "I trust you." He then points to all the places that I can cut that would cause the least amount of damage. I hesitantly begin cutting him, with each swipe of the blade I can see new patches of red. I stop after I cut him at least 10 times and I say "This looks like enough." I hand Sage the knife and walk out of the room. I sit down in the hall and begin crying. When I was doing that stuff to Kyle the demon part of me wanted to cut deeper and do more damage. The stuff Sage gave me helped me control it but it was still a terrible feeling.

I hear the door open and I look up to see Sage. He looks back and says "You know it isn't your fault. What you just did in there was to save him. I have done much worse things than that to people close to me. I was once human too. When I was turned we didn't have the stuff that I gave you. I turned into a demon and my demon instincts took control, I ended up murdering my sister Isabelle. I didn't want to hurt someone I loved but I had no choice, be glad that you were able to have that choice." I get up off the ground and start walking down the hall before I get too far I turn to Sage and say "I'm gonna leave and look for Chris. While I am gone please watch over Kyle for me." Sage just nods his head and I walk away and as I walk down the hall, the only thing on my mind is Chris, and how I will find him.

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