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The person in this chapter is Liam Berman, Jesse's uncle. This chapter is dedicated to my friend Sarah Roberts she committed suicide on the night of December 1, 2014 around 11:30 p.m. she was an amazing person who I wish wouldn't have ended her life, but she did and sadly she isn't coming back. All I can say is that I'm gonna miss her, and I hope where ever she is now she is at peace.

I wake up in the morning snuggled into Chris's chest. The first thing that comes into my mind is so much to think about and so little amount of time to think. First thing to think about is that Chris is leaving, second my mysterious Uncle Liam whom I don't remember, and third how I need to find out a way to tell Alex everything that has happened without her chewing me out because I lied to her for such a long time.

"Too much thinking! My head hurts now. Why can't I just have it easy?! I don't want to think about what'll happen when my boyfriend leaves to finish "business", I don't want to think about possibly having a family member in my life that will probably realize how broken I really am and give up on me, and I certainly don't want to have to tell me best friend what has been happening and how I lied to her about it for so long!" I see Chris looking at me shocked and I realized that I vented out load without meaning to.

Chris hugs me to him tighter and I just let myself collapse against his chest feeling drained. I can't believe I finally admitted how I was feeling, and I said it out load to Chris. I feel Chris's warm lips on my forehead and then I hear him say "Jesse, I know you don't want me to leave, but the business that I have to finish is very important. I can't tell you what it is even though I really want to, I just can't. As for your whole Uncle Liam thing, I think you should go and live with him, you'd have a better life. Also if you move in with your Uncle you'll have the family that you've been wishing for. As for the whole Alex thing, don't worry about it so much, she's your best fried and will understand that you were scared out of your mind about your father and didn't want to get other people involved, she'll understand that you were trying to protect her."

I lift my head a little to look at him then I ask "Why don't you trust me enough to?" Chris looks at me and doesn't say anything and that pisses me off I yell at him and say "You seem to know everything about me, but when I want to know this one thing about you, you won't let me know! Here I am spilling my heart and feeling to you and I don't know a damn thing about you!" Chris pulls away from me and gets off the bed looking out my bedroom window seeming to be deep in thought, he finally turns around to face me and says "I'll tell you but you probably won't believe me, I have a few ways to prove it though."

Getting up outta bed I take Chris's hand in mine and say "Tell me, prove it! If you don't you'll just lose me." Chris sighs and looks me straight in the eye then starts to explain "Jesse do you remember how you were saying that I was your own little angel sent by fate to save you, well you weren't wrong. I'm an angel Jesse I was sent to Earth to stop you from committing suicide, but I did something wrong, something no angel is supposed to do, I fell in love with a human. The fates know this and are waiting for me to come back to heaven so they can punish me for my crime, I don't want to leave you, but if I don't it'll just piss off the fates, I don't want to lose you Jesse. I'm about to ask you something really selfish right now, but I don't care I just want and need you, so please answer it truthfully. When I go back to heaven, will you wait for me?"

Chris's confession and question were swimming around in my mind. How do you respond to a confession and question like Chris's? I loved Chris and I wanted to be with him, but this whole angel thing came as a surprise. Do I believe he's an angel? The answer to that question is yes, but I don't know how I can be sure. Chris said he has a few ways to prove it so he'd better prove it. I tell Chris "I believe that you are an angel, but I need proof, I can't just believe it blindly, even though I love you, I have been through too much to just follow into something blindly. If you really are an angel and you had to go back to heaven I would wait for you now until forever, because like I said I love you and I'm not letting you go."

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