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The person in the picture is Will:)

I wake up to Will shaking me awake, I get out of the car and stretch, then we all walk inside. Once I spot Uncle Liam I say "I brought my friend Alex over, I hope that's okay." I'm worried how Liam will react, my dad would've kicked whoever I brought home out and would've kicked the shit outta me. Liam gets all happy and gets a huge smile on his face and says "Sure your friend can as long as she wants." I give him a smile because it was nice to have someone who cared and was happy about me bringing friends over.

I ask if Liam can show me where my room is because now that I think about it I don't know exactly where it is. Liam laughs and says "Have Will show you where it is lord knows he could use the exercise." Will gasp and asks "Did you just call me fat old man?" Liam looks him straight in the eye and says "Yes I did, now go show Jesse where his room is." Will sighs and looks at the stairs and says "If I must climb that death trap I will, but only because I don't want to be called fat." After he says this he starts walking upstairs and Liam subtly whispers in my ear "I love making fun of Will, he actually takes me seriously sometimes and does what I say." I laugh and start to follow Will up the stairs, with Alex and Noah close behind. Once I make it to the top of the stairs I see Will in front of a door and he says "This is your room, I hope you like it Liam kinda took it upon himself to put a couple things in there to make it a little more homier before he even knew if you would agree to come live with us, he just assumed you'd say yes, so he wanted it all ready for you when you got here."

I walk to the door and open it I look inside and I see the best thing I've ever seen there is a flat screen tv with a surround sound speaker system, an xbox 360, then there is a king sized bed damn it was big enough to fit 4 people in it and it has some comfy looking pillows on it, a football in a corner of the room, and there is a couple of buckets of paint and the paint is navy blue my favorite color. Will saw me eyeing the paint and says "Dad picked out the paint and color just in case you wanted to do something with these plain white walls." I would have to thank him later for doing so much for me. I laid down in the bed and gestured for everyone to lay down too, it ended up with Will next me and Alex laying by my left side while Noah was laying by Will's right side. It's quiet for awhile and then Alex asks "Are you gonna tell me what happened?" I turn my head to face her and say "You tell me what's on your mind first." Alex sits up and looks over at Noah and Will, Noah gets the message and says "Come on Will let's go see if our dads need help with dinner." Will groans and says fine and they leave the room, I scoot a little out more now that there is more room and then I sit up and say "Tell me everything."

Alex looks out the window that's next to my bed and says "You won't think I'm crazy or go blabbing about this, right?" I look at her shocked and say "Of course not! You are my best friend, now just tell me what happened." She starts to talk "Well me a Marek started dating while you were busy with who knows what and we had a date today, we went to this quiet lake area and he told me something pretty weird and even showed me proof and I don't know what to do about it. He told me that he's an arch angel and that he ranks higher than most angels. I didn't believe him when he said that but then he took his shirt off and started focusing and all of a sudden I saw these wings coming from his back. He asked me if I accepted what he was and I said I needed time, he said I only had until midnight tonight to give him an answer or he'd have to leave for heaven without knowing because the fates want him there to give him his punishment for falling for me. I don't know what to do Jesse, I need your help."

Alex turns to face me and I say "I know what you're going through, Chris is an Angel too and he was sent here to help me, you see he's a Guardian Angel. Once he told me I didn't fully believe him, well I mean I sort of did but I needed proof, so Chris took his shirt off and showed me this upside down "V" on his back and I sort of believed him at this point but I'm stubborn and told him that I needed more proof, so we headed to Marek's apartment and he opened the door shirtless because he was getting ready for the date, we headed to the living room and he showed me his wings. Chris had to leave shortly after he confessed to me, and I miss him a lot. I think you should talk to Marek before he leaves, you don't wanna miss your chance at happiness. You can go tell him your feelings and then come back here with your stuff and we can have a sleepover and I'll tell you everything about my dad and stuff."

Alex agrees and then gets off the bed giving me a hug before she leaves. I watch her walk out the door and then I sprawl out on the bed and stare at the ceiling, I hope everything goes well with Alex and Marek they're good together and I can tell that Marek loves her and that Alex is getting close to loving him. I'm scared about telling Alex about what happened with my father, I really don't want to relay the bad memories again. Maybe I'll just tell her and my family about all at one time, then I will only have to relive it once and then that'll be the end and everyone close to me will know. I just hope that they don't judge me, as of now they know me as a carefree person but when I tell them they might treat me differently. Hopefully they will accept me for the real me.

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