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To survive High School you better have one thing in your mind no one is better then no one. Everyone is going through  hard moments one's know how to hide it better then others.But you also need to now that you are not less then others.Equality.

That is what they say rigth 'Equality' well that does not exist in Liberty High because the sudents of Liberty have the need to make each other fell inferior. 

The only person that seems to fit in perfectly is Mia, she dosen't care about the looks she gets, the whispers she gets nothing of it seems to actualy affect the girl.

Hannah, Jess and Mia's friendship was never the best because that is what happens in trios two of them go allong better and sometimes that will make the third wheeling fell left out. Mia and Jess got alog very well even before Jess  got in cheer team the two just had a conection.

 Everyone noticed it Sheri did and Hannah did too. They started to hag out the two of them sometimes just the two of them and with the time going by the little group that ussed to sit on Monet's and talk for hours suddenly was gone.For a while they replaced Mia with Alex but that trio didn't last much time either. That is what happens in trios, they never work.

Mia was walking down the hall when she noticed Mrs.Baker and Courtney talking, she decied to stop. She hated Courtney and she was curious to now what she was going to say, because she knew the story behind Hannah and her.

" Mrs.Baker hi. I'm Courtney Crimsen" Courtney says " I'm so sorry for your lost "She says turning to face the memorial for Hannah.

"I hope you liked. People keep adding to it " She says excited " All this people were Hannha's friends" Mrs.Baker asks Courtney

" She had so many friends" Courtney says and Mia counld't contain herself anymore " Mrs.Baker Hi" Mia made a quick pause" I'm Mia Jensen and i don't want to sound insensitive but if everyone here was really Hannah's friends, woulnd't they know that she hated roses, but obviously Courtney you knew that right"

Mrs.Baker send a sweet yet sad smille towards Mia and before she could say something else Courtney steped in" We all miss her so much " Mia counld't belive how some one could lie so much like her " Like Mia said anyone that knew Hannah knew that she hated roses " Mrs.Baker says and looks at Mia " Because she thought they were cliché " Both Mia and Mrs.Baker say at the same time and with that they both left .


Mia, Jess and Sheri were standing in the hallway next to the lockers chatting when Sheri brougth up Justin "Is Justin still missing " Sheri asks "He is not missing, I know exactly  where he is " Jess says showing both girl's a picture of Justin in the pool-Bryce's pool.

"So he is at Bryce's " Sheri says " Yeah and I don't think he will go back to his place soon" Mia says with a small sigh.

" Why is that" Jess asks her " Seth is back Jess" Mia tells the girl. Pretty much the whole group knew Justin home situation but Sheri wasn't really part of the group she was only friends really with Mia and Jess from the group, the others were only classmates.

"Maybe you should go" Sheri says to Jess "I shoulnd't have to go, he should be here" Jess says annoyed " Then go get him " Sheri tells her " Yeah, drag him back to school by his perfect hair" The three girls laughed "Like honestly Jess if he continuous not coming he is going to fail " Mia warns her this time 

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