1: always and forever

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Elijah came to the cemetery with Sophie Deveraux to talk about a plan to stop to murder of witches in the quarter. "So, how do you propose this will work?"

"Your brother needs to cement his place in Marcel's world. His inner circle, the daywalkers; that's where we'll begin. They're his friends, his family. We'll be hitting him where it hurts." Sophie explained as they both arrived at the gate. Sophie turned around slowly after she had opened the gate. "This is sacred ground, which means vampires have to be invited in. But, since I'm desperate...Come on in."

Elijah let his foot hang before taking a step forward into the cemetery. "We can talk freely here." Sophie told him pointedly.

Elijah followed her, starting to get impatient. "I suggest you start talking. What did your sister want with Niklaus?"

Sophie crossed her arms. "Isn't it obvious? We have a vampire problem, and we need help. Marcel has an army backing him. The witches have been trying to fight back. We haven't had much luck, until my sister, Jane-Anne met a girl, one with a special connection to your brother." She told him, smiling slightly.

Elijah's brown eyes narrowed as he took a step closer to her. "What kind of connection."

"A vampire-she's pregnant. And the father of the child she's carrying is your brother Klaus." Sophie explained.

Elijah shook his head in disagreement. "That's impossible."

Sophie argued with him. "Nothing is impossible, especially not when it comes to your brother. Think about it; they call him the hybrid, right." She turned her head, raising her voice. "Bring her out!"

Two witches had their grasp on a very familiar brunette, who was being restrained with handcuffs. "Get off me." She sneered angrily.

Elijah glanced at her in great worry and concern. "Astrid."

"Elijah." She genuinely greeted her brother-in-law. When she saw the glares she was getting from the witches, she rolled her eyes. "I am not going to kill you." It was clear the witches did not believe her, and she sighed deeply. "I give you my word. I just want to be free of this."

Elijah glared at Sophie, not willing to negotiate this. "Let her go."

After a moment, she nodded to the witches to do as he said. "I wonder if perhaps this baby might be a way for my brother to find happiness. A way to save him from himself."

Elijah had a stern expression which was unrelenting. "I need some time alone to talk with Astrid and I need it now."

Astrid was worriedly pacing back and forth in front of Elijah, who was sitting on one of the benches with a blank expression. "Elijah, tell me they're lying. Please. There is absolutely no possible way that I am pregnant."

"Astrid, it seems possible...What are you doing in New Orleans?" He asked her.

"Katherine wrote a letter about a witch planning to kill Nik. So, in his true fashion, we came all the way here to hunt her down and kill her most likely." She stopped pacing. "We were looking in the bayou, when we got separated. Those half-witted witches jumped me and stole my phone. Been trapped here ever since." She grumbled.

"We need to tell Niklaus." Elijah pointed out and Astrid could feel her heart beating through her ears.

"N-No." Her hands started to tremble from her nerves of the situation. "I can't. I can't tell him, Elijah."

"Astrid..." He began to respond to her anxiety, but she cut him off.

"Elijah, I have no idea how he's going to react to this. Don't you remember how this always ended when we were human? I cannot do this to him again." She stressed to him.

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