4: girl in new orleans

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Astrid was sitting on the couch comfortably, happily eating the chocolate fudge that Molly Weasley had sent her after hearing the news of her pregnancy. Her phone continued to buzz with a phone call, but the witch ignored it. Rebekah groaned in exasperation. "Please just answer it!"

"No. It's Agnes, who has been trying non-stop to get me out to the bayou for an appointment at the clinic." Astrid remained uninterested. "I do not wish to spend my time in the bloody bayou."

Rebekah looked over at her. "A lot of women would kill to have a child. It strikes me as odd that you're not taking better care of yours. Especially considering-" She stopped suddenly when she saw Astrid's glare.

"Rebekah, you're my sister and I love you but you have no right." She snarled, throwing the empty disposal box away.

Rebekah looked down at the floor, regretting her words. She was the one Astrid cried to when she had miscarried on all of her pregnancies. "I'm sorry. I really am."

"I-I'll go to the clinic...By myself." The blonde's newfound smile soon fell once more.

The blonde Original carried on scouring the internet for the location from her mismatched memory while Astrid just stared blankly at the wall, deep in her own thoughts.

Erik & Klaus walked in and the latter laughed at his sister at the sight of her. "Please, sister, tell me you're not still at it with the internet search. How does one begin, anyway? Just type in anonymous attic?" He mocked the blonde, sitting down next to his wife who had no reaction when he placed his hand on her lower thigh.

"Someone has to find Elijah, even if I have to search every bloody attic in New Orleans." Rebekah answered, directing her anger toward her brother.

"Like looking for a needle in a rather large pile of needles." He remarked, glancing at Astrid who was still staring dully at the wall.

Rebekah then spoke her thoughts out loud. "I remember details about the attic Marcel took me to. There were shutters on the window behind Elijah's coffin."

"Well, that should narrow it down immensely. Myself, I prefer actual strategy as opposed to mind-numbing labour. Marcel's delay in returning our brother makes me suspect he's no longer in charge of the situation." Klaus expressed, smirking. "If Davina's loyalty to Marcel is strained, perhaps the young witch will be open to discussing a new alliance."

Rebekah smiled bitterly over at him. "As usual, your power grabs are more important than rescuing your brother."

"Bekah, it's more like...Nik is killing two bird with one stone. Marcel loses his secret weapon, and Elijah is brought back home." Erik spoke, and also seemed to be worried about his best friend. "Astrid? Astrid!"

She seemed to snap out of her thoughts. "Yes?" She responded, trying not to give herself away.

"What's wrong? You were in a sort of trance." Erik responded, looking at her with concern.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm fine. I just need...some air." She answered, speaking in a soft tone.

Erik watched her walk away, as did Klaus, both had matching expressions. Klaus turned to Rebekah, whose expression was one of regret. "What did you do, Rebekah?"

Her feigned smile fell as he narrowed his eyes at her. "Rebekah." He repeated in a stronger, angrier tone.

"I might have tried to guilt Astrid into going to the clinic by talking about her miscarriages." Her tone of voice got higher at each word.

Erik sighed, his head in his hands. "Merlin." He muttered underneath his breath. Klaus didn't say another word, rushing up the staircase to console Astrid. He heard quiet cries coming from behind the door.

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