35: save my soul

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Elijah entered the compound to find his brother with Astrid at the dining table, waiting to begin their family brunch which had been arranged. Klaus smiled widely at the sight of his elder brother. "There you are. Finally."

Elijah removed his coat and hung it up before walking towards the table. "I apologise. I was delayed." He told them, giving the two no further information, then Astrid laughed quietly before taking a large sip on the mimosa in her hand.

"Oh, yes. Of course. Delayed, is that what you're calling it?" She smirked at her brother-in-law. "Nik, I forget, what is the name of this delay he is speaking of?" She raised an eyebrow, as she turned to her husband, who joined in.

"I believe her name is Leah." He replied, his smirk matching the one of his wife.

"Ah, yes! Leah." Astrid turned back to Elijah, her smirk remaining.

"Her name is Gia." Elijah corrected them with an exasperated eye roll. "Now, that's enough." He scolded, keeping his private life away from them almost completely.

Klaus laughed for only a moment before it stopped, his gaze on Elijah. "Our guest of honour will be here momentarily."

"Strange, our house is conspicuously absent of lupine guests." Elijah pointed out, aware of the silence in the house. "I do hope it wasn't on my husband."

Klaus looked down, laughing at the statement before looking back up. "I sent Hayley and her poorly groomed husband off to spend the day with their werewolf brethren to test the limits of their new abilities. Leaving me to deal with family business as I see fit."

Elijah glanced over at his brother, clearly suspicious of his intentions. "Niklaus, Rebekah's situation has taken a turn. We may need Freya's assistance.  So, whatever you are planning here? Don't." He told them both in a serious tone, glaring at them both.

Astrid glanced down at the table before setting down her glass and looking directly at Elijah. "Let me make this clear. I don't trust this woman, seeing as Rebekah met her in a loony bin, and we only met her yesterday. But, I will behave for Rebekah's sake. I don't want her in any danger."

"That is all I ask of you." Elijah responded thankfully, before looking over at her husband.

Klaus rolled his eyes at Elijah, and sneered at him. "All I'm planning is a simple chat with a long-lost relative. You said yourself to hear her out."

Elijah tightened his gaze on his brother, and it was apparent that his suspicion of his brother was still present. "And you yourself said that would be idiocy."

Klaus glanced at Astrid, and they shared a look with one another. "Did I?" He acted as though he couldn't recall saying it. "Well, it does sound like something I would say." He shrugged somewhat innocently, and Astrid chuckled. "Regardless, on the off chance that Freya has some information that could protect our daughter, I'd prefer that she share it with me on my terms." He explained to Elijah and motioned towards his ear. "Ah! I believe I hear her now."

He turned to face the door as Freya entered the dining room, smiling at her relatives. Sister! Come in! Make yourself comfortable." He gestured to an empty seat for Freya, who was clearly nervous but she returned a smile.

For a short while, they made small talk with one another. Freya held a round-shaped artefact in her hands and looked over it slowly. "This witch hoop, it's Danish. Is this from when you all lived in Copenhagen in the 1500s?"

"Quite the eye!" Klaus praised her, slight sarcasm to his tone. Astrid rolled her eyes and put her head in her hands, incredibly bored of the conversation. Elijah seemed to agree with her as he spoke up.

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