37: night has a thousand eyes

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Klaus and Astrid had taken Hope out that morning to have breakfast together in a cafe. The youngest Mikaelson was sitting peacefully in her stroller as her mother pushed it back and forth gently with her foot as she sipped on her tea. Klaus was holding onto his wife's hand as their daughter was staring up at her father intently.

Astrid looked at him from her seat opposite him at the table. Their morning had been calming until a woman began to walk towards them playing a tune which resounded in Astrid. The tune that Dahlia used to sing to Freya as a child. "Nik...that tune-"

Klaus only looked over at her in concern, silently answering her question. He moved over to Astrid so that he stood between her and the musician.

Astrid then looked around for anything else suspicious, which was when she noticed a waiter writing on a chalkboard, a message that read: A Promise Made Is A Debt To Be Paid.

At this, Astrid quickly rose to her feet, pushing her chair backwards. Klaus grabbed onto Hope's stroller and the couple made a swift move to leave and return home.

They were almost immediately stopped by a salesman in front of them, who was holding a large flower. He held it in front of Astrid, offering it to her. "Flowers, Miss." He then held it in front of Hope. "A gift for the child." When both parents refused, he chose to continue. "You sure? Black Dahlias are in bloom. They're quite lovely." He smiled rather creepily at them, before grabbing at Astrid's arm rather tightly as both of his eyes turned entirely white.

Klaus shoved him away from her and pushed the man against the nearest light post. "Show yourself witch." He growled at the salesman, choking him furiously.

A waiter walked in their direction and stood, their posture stiff while speaking in an eerie voice. "I am here. I am everywhere. And I intend to take what is mine."

Klaus slowly backed away from the man in realisation, increasingly alarmed. "It's her."

When the couple returned, they met up with Rebekah, Freya and Elijah in the dining room to talk about what had happened on their outing that morning.

Klaus was standing, and he began to pace the floor in displeasure. "Neither of you can leave the house anymore. It's dangerous for the both of you, and-" He demanded, looking at Astrid with a worried look on her face.

She held up her hand to stop him. "Oh, you mean what you attempted to enforce during my pregnancy, but failed as I ended up doing what I wanted? Like always." She smirked, knowing he couldn't deny it. "But, we need to plan our next move to deter Dahlia so that we can stop her."

Klaus was aggravated with her words and raised his voice, which carried throughout the room. "What I would like to do is take a strong leash-"

Astrid stopped him once more, getting up and walking toward him. "Do not speak to me like that. Continue and I will-"

Elijah stopped the both of them, stepping between the couple."Children, please. Niklaus, your ire is justified. But, Astrid is correct." He then lowered his tone as he whispered. "Like always."

Astrid glanced at him before smirking in her husband's direction, who rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Elijah spoke again. "We need to find a new strategy." He gestured in the direction of the eldest Mikaelson sibling and motioned for her to speak. "Freya, if you please?"

Freya's sigh of defeat deeply worried the mother but she refrained from showing that on her face. "The spell you described...Dahlia calls it 'kenning'. She uses proxies to watch over her enemies from afar." Klaus glanced over at her, both in heavy mistrust as Freya paused in her explanation. "But, I've never seen it done on quite this scale."

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