41: ashes to ashes

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Klaus leant against his parked up truck where Hope was sitting quietly in her car seat and Astrid sat silently next to her, Freya's body laying nearby.

She rested her head on her forearms and sighed, and Klaus looked over at her, already knowing what she was going to say. "Out of all the things you possibly could have said, all the plans you could have offered, you chose to offer yourself up?"

Klaus rolled his eyes and glared slightly at her. "I would have done anything to protect the both of you."

Astrid shook her head as she pursed her lips. "I know. Don't think I'm not thankful or that I wouldn't do the same. I'm just saying there were other options, darling."

A large distance away, Dahlia had set up a small table, where she had set up an infinity symbol of salt which lit candles. In each circle, there was a small chalice to prepare for her linking spell from her to Klaus.

It was silent throughout the air for a moment until Klaus sighed loudly making Dahlia look up. "You're quiet. Are you having misgivings?"

"I was simply looking for a polite way to ask what the bloody hell is taking so long?" He answered irritably with a smirk.

Dahlia gestured to the set up in front of her. "Well, we can start now."

Klaus remained silent, waiting for a further explanation from his aunt about the overall process.

Dahlia smiled back at him, pleased about her victory. "Once we're linked, I'll no longer have to sleep a hundred years again. Your concerns for my status will ease, and I'll finally be able to focus on Hope." She glanced over at the Mikaelson child, who was still sitting in the car next to her mother.

Dahlia then walked toward him as she continued with her explanation. "I will only need one drop of her blood-"

Klaus stood on guard, stopping her from getting any closer to Hope.

Dahlia was now visibly annoyed but continued in her speech. "-and then her power shall be mine also."

Klaus took a short glance at the back of the car, where Freya remained still in her unconsciousness. "What do you want to do about Freya?"

"She has served her purpose." Dahlia answered bluntly, not caring for the welfare of her eldest niece as she looking up at the moon. "So, tonight, at the moon's apex, I'll end her life, and once our link is severed, the bond I share with your daughter will become permanent."

Klaus managed to hide his displeasure and kept his intentions hidden from the elder witch. "Best get on with it, then." He pushed past Dahlia and made his way to the table as his aunt followed close behind him. He stood opposite him and clasped it tightly as she began to chant the spell
over the table.

After a short while, the chalices began to fill with blood until the liquid was flowing onto the table. As it did, Dahlia began to sway where she stood as the blood gradually travelled to the infinity symbol in the middle of the table.

Klaus and Dahlia were then knocked back by the magical force of the spell and Dahlia let out a gasp as Klaus' supernatural power began to flow through her. Back in the car, Hope began to whine for her father after hearing him hit the floor due to the aftermath of the spell. Astrid got Hope out of her car seat and sat her on her lap, soothing her. Klaus got up from the ground, not bothering to help Dahlia up, and went to check on his family.

Dahlia began to laugh in happiness while Klaus had his back turned to her, his focus on his wife and child. "With your strength, I will never need to sleep for a century again."

"Perhaps one more nap." Klaus spoke, giving no more detail. Dahlia, confused, turned to him and found him staring at her, the newly crafted golden dagger piercing the surface of his chest.

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