34: they all asked for you

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Rebekah was currently still in the body of the witch that was known as Eva Sinclair and was walking around the streets while on a group phone call with her brothers. Klaus was stood on the balcony that overlooked the courtyard of the compound, and was watching as four werewolves stood together in the courtyard, Astrid sat not far from her husband, cradling a sleeping Hope in her arms. Elijah was at a loft that he had moved into across town, looking through the wardrobe for his suit for the day. "Enough already with the family squabbling! Come on, Nik! Even you can see that the situation has become awkward!"

"There's nothing awkward about it!" Klaus argued back to his sister, making Astrid roll her eyes. "Hayley and Jackson belong in the compound where they are safe. As much as I would like Elijah's help to kill Finn, if his delicate sensibilities are offended by the presence of Hayley's new husband, then he's welcome to continue sulking across the river."

"Nik, please..." Astrid spoke in a stern and exasperated tone.

Elijah interrupted her, his tone one of annoyance. "Astrid, my apologies for interrupting, but! As I have explained repeatedly to you, brother, my presence here in Algiers is purely to assemble allies. And given all the enemies we have afoot in the form of wayward siblings and ancient, maniacal Aunt Dahlias, I would think you would applaud my efforts."

"Well, if it's my applause you seek, you shouldn't have dashed off in a bloody huff!" Klaus mused in a taunting manner, which caused him to receive a deadly glare from Astrid, who was clearly fed up with this phone call.

Elijah groaned in his frustration of the whole ordeal as Rebekah continued to try to keep the conversation civil. "Alright, can you two at least try and stay focused on what's best for Hope's safety?"

"I would like nothing more!" Elijah responded to Rebekah's pleas in a harsh tone.

"I am doing exactly that!" Klaus spoke in an argumentative manner, his hands thrown up in the air.

"See? You're on the same team." Rebekah told both of her brothers in a condescending tone. "Conflict resolved, crisis averted." She spoke quickly before ending the phone call.

Klaus rolled his eyes at his phone before looking over at Astrid, who looked frustrated at her husband at that moment. "What? That was not my fault." He stated defiantly, and when he only received an incredulous scoff in return, he shook his head with a sigh. "This isn't the time."

"Alright, when is the time then?" She snidely retorted before gesturing for him to answer. "I suppose there's nothing I can do. No one can stop you from doing what you want, so what's the point of me trying to stop you?"

"Well, that's ironic coming from you. You do whatever you please." He responded frustratedly before turning back around to face Astrid. "You know what? Let's not get into this right now."

"OK. Does Sunday work for you? Or is that a bad time as well?" She remarked mockingly, standing up with Hope resting her sleeping head on her mother's shoulder. "Once again, you are pushing your siblings away with your actions."

When she was met with silence, Astrid continued to speak. "Elijah has moved to the other side of this town because his broken heart is worsening by Hayley & Jackson, who you invited to take up residence here. This isn't at all easy for him." She spoke, her voice laced with sadness and sympathy for her brother-in-law. "Listen to me. I understand your need to protect our daughter, believe me, I do. But, our family does not need to be destroyed in the process." She spoke softly, not wanting to wake up their daughter. "I suggest that you fix this, before it becomes too late to do so."

Later in the day, Astrid and Klaus arrived at the cemetery, which had become dark from the late hour. They started to search for the eldest Mikaelson sibling through the numerous aisles of tombs. Astrid suddenly stopped and Klaus stopped almost immediately when he realised his wife was no longer walking next to him. Astrid looked over at her husband and sighed with a frown. "How do we know that this whole thing isn't just a trap?"

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