25: red door

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Kol saw the couple on the porch and greeted Klaus as if they were complete strangers, maintaining some of his original identity. "Hello, darling. Back to huff and puff and blow the house down?" He taunted.

Astrid almost spoke up until she realised that Kol only wanted to play around with his older brother once again. She smirked to hide an amused laugh and crossed her arms over her chest.

Klaus looked at him, frustrated. "You know, it's funny how often a person's sharp tongue can end up cutting their own throat."

Camille sighed in annoyance, rolling her eyes. "Klaus, he's just a kid. Give him a break."

"Yeah, she's right. You know, you may want to try a bit of lavender under your pillow. Does wonders for stuck-up pillocks with anger issues." Kol taunted him again, smirking.

The human turned towards Kol in irritation. "Hey! Shut it."

"I promised not to kill Davina. I said nothing of this insolent sod." Klaus scowled furiously at the smirk that was directed at him.

Camille moved from her place next to Davina and walked closer to him. "Klaus, come on." Her words didn't move his stare directed at Kol. "A minute ago, you had the opportunity to kill your father with his thing, and you didn't. You're not going to kill this kid with it, either!"

Astrid rolled her eyes. "You are seriously underestimating us, Camille." The remark made Kol look over at her. "You are also severely wasting your own time with the idea that you have any power in situations like these."

Klaus had grown tired of Camille trying to distract him and held out his car keys. "Go get the car and take her to the hospital."

Camille smiled in thanks and took the keys from him, leaving the cabin and walking over towards the SUV.

Klaus slowly turned back to Kol, his expression slowly changing into one of realisation and Astrid smiled, amused. "You've got a way with words."

"Well, I've travelled." He replied in a plain tone of voice, walking closer to Klaus.

"You seem to have crossed continents in order to weasel your way into Davina's good graces, thereby meddling in my family business." Klaus remarked snidely. "Strange, isn't it?"

Kol smirked, but remained silent, which only seemed to validate Klaus' suspicions of the teenage witch. "Unless it's your family business. You know, ever since my mother and Finn, I was wondering when you might make an appearance, Kol."

"Finally." Astrid muttered. "I didn't know how long I would have to keep it a secret for."

Kol couldn't help himself and laughed as he bowed down dramatically. "Then the jig is up!" Klaus grinned in pleasure to see his younger brother. "Hello Nik! Hello again, Strid!"

"Good to see you again, Kol." Astrid remarked with a grin.

"Not that I begrudge you for hitching a ride back to the land of the living..." Klaus spoke with a smirk before looking at him in worry. "...It's just that you're making all the wrong friends, brother. And I have half a mind to show you how wrong you are."

Kol's smirk didn't falter as he whispered in Klaus' face. "But you're not going to do that, are you? Because your little blonde friend told you to leave me alone." Kol continued to pester him and Klaus laughed, shaking his head. "But, of course..You don't care what she has to say, do you? You only care about Astrid, and what she has to say. And she won't allow you to kill me."

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