22: alive and kicking

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Elijah returned back to the compound to see a puddle of a familiar red substance on the concrete floor of the courtyard. When he went to investigate it further, the trail of blood lead to a woman's corpse which was leant against a fountain. Another trail of blood seemed to lead to his brother's shared bedroom with his wife. When he entered the room, Astrid stood inside, covered in blood.

Astrid turned to him with a smirk before walking into the couple's bathroom. "Hello, Elijah." She started preparing the materials needed for the shower.

Elijah continued to stare at her, and she soon realised what he was looking at with a disappointed expression. "Right! Nik & I went out to the Cauldron and there was some witches. Well, you can probably guess the rest."

"Would you like me to clean up after you, then?" Elijah gestured to the bodies that had been left throughout the hallways. "Or are you planning on doing that yourself?"

"Elijah, I don't need a lecture. You do realise we are vampires, right? Just because we are the eldest vampires, it does not mean we still do not have those deep murderous urges." Astrid told him in a condescending tone. "I need to clean up for obvious reasons, so if you could kindly leave, Elijah."

Elijah rolled his eyes as he left the room and Astrid swiftly shut the door behind him, laughing at his annoyance.

Elijah didn't wait for permission before walking into his brother's study. "You took Astrid on a witch hunt?" He questioned Klaus in disbelief.

"I only wanted those witches to find the white oak stake for me." Klaus had a slight smile on his face. "When they were incapable of doing that, I simply let Astrid have her own fun."

"Astrid grows increasingly feral by the day! Can't you see that she is falling apart?" Elijah questioned him, his arms crossed over.

"Elijah, the problem is your high standards." Klaus stated in irritation. "It seems that you have forgotten how Astrid has always been. Brother, your hope that she changed because of her pregnancy will not end in your favour."

Elijah spoke through clenched teeth. "I am trying to help her. I thought you were trying to help her, Niklaus."

Klaus stood to his feet, glaring at Elijah. "I am helping! You should have seen Astrid last night! Covered in the blood of the witches, and finally happy once again. Less judgement from you and Astrid will be fine."

"Niklaus, the mother of your child deserves much more than just fine!" Elijah glared back at him as he shouted back in response. "Now, and more than ever, she needs a connection to something, some of her humanity, some degree of dignity."

"The both of you do realise that I can hear your every word, right?" Astrid questioned with sarcasm as she walked into the study, settling onto one of the couches in the room. She glanced at Elijah's expression and smirked at him. "You're frustrated."

Elijah looked back over at her, his expression matching her statement. "I'm not exactly cheerful over your recent activities."

"I am so sorry, Elijah. I wasn't aware in the slightest that the both of us had to tell you our every decision." Astrid wittily commented. "So, shall I tell you before I go out, or when I plan to do it? When's best for you?"

"Astrid-" Elijah began with a sigh of disapproval but was interrupted.

"Elijah, you seem to have the belief that all of us will be as we were before we were forced to turn. Something like that changes you. You of all people know that the last thousand years haven't been peaceful." Astrid spoke in a harsh reminder.

"Astrid. I understand that this is difficult for you, but that doesn't mean you can go and murder everyone in this city." Elijah told her sternly, and Klaus watched their interaction, smirking.

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